Thursday 11 June 2009
say something! (0)
Oh wow. Haven't updated in like a million years. My tagboard actually stayed at the 2nd of june for at least a week. Until my birthday came along and everybody was all 'Happy birthday! :D' and I was like, 'Oh, I forgot to thank them on my blog.' So, yeah, doin' it now.


LOL. That 'thanks' includes everything. Like, the wishing, the gifts and angbaos(to my family, I guess if they secretly read my blog. To friends too who have got me gifts which they shouldn't have >:l ), uhh.., the posting on their blogs-ing. Yeah. Everything. And this is to EVERYONE. Even those who didn't remember or didn't even know which doesn't really make much sense but, heck, I just feel like doing it. Yeap(: Thanks.

SO. The Merc came in yesterday and it's so awesome(: You can actually make calls while your bluetooth is on and you'll be able to listen to it on using hte car's sound system ;D The black leather seats are awesummmm. I especially like the little Mercedes sign sticking out on the front of the car thing.(: Hopefully, nobody knocks it off to melt and earn a few extra bucks because that would be ILLEGAL and not to mention, FROWNED UPON. (:

I'm rotting at home now. With my homework. No wait. They're not rotting. Not until I finish'em. Which sucks. And I actually find amusement in Pokemon now. LOL. I'm playing it on my ds. Which I think is kind a geeky since I'm not twelve anymore. But who cares.

Oh yeah, now that I'm officially 13, is this the part where I start having really deep thoughts about life and such? Even deeper ones that I'm already having? Lol. Nevermind. Don't answer this question. Don't.