Saturday, 29 November 2008
I'm a Gemini. (:
And my dad's friend almost got killed in Mumbai. It feels so cool somehow. Well, now that I think about it, it isn't so cool anymore. :l
He ate at a restaurant and went up to his hotel room early to finish up some work. Then, he suddenly heard lots and lots of gunshots! ;O Soon, the police came up to his room and told him that everyone in the restaurant he was eating at got killed by young indian gangster boys!! :O :O :O Then they made him hide some ang moh tourists in his room until further notice.
Haha. I wonder if you all felt the exaggeration in the above story. (:
Oh and there was this young pretty lawyer lady that went to Mumbai for a one-day seminar and got killed on that very day in the restaurant. Walao. Damn sway.
Anyways, I'm a Gemini. (:
I can do something about jumping from one topic to another topic easily. We come in duals, like male a female, left and right, yin and yang. We can like one thing and like it's opposite as well. And, uhh, my element is the wind? They said something like, the wind of the gemini can blow in one direction and blow in another direction another minute later and that, uhh, geminis may just be a little breeze but our words are as powerful as a huge gust of wind.
How melodramatic. =="
Nevermind. I ate a chococlate truffle cake and a quarter of a lemon tart for lunch. ;D Isn't that awesome? ;D And fattening, but who cares? ;D ;D ;D
And my uncle might just become an accomplished artist. And mummy might be totally against me majoring in art next time. And, uhh, totally kill me if I mention I want to be an artist when I grow up. ...... So yeah, she doesn't know. Heh. Ah wells.
And my dad's friend almost got killed in Mumbai. It feels so cool somehow. Well, now that I think about it, it isn't so cool anymore. :l
He ate at a restaurant and went up to his hotel room early to finish up some work. Then, he suddenly heard lots and lots of gunshots! ;O Soon, the police came up to his room and told him that everyone in the restaurant he was eating at got killed by young indian gangster boys!! :O :O :O Then they made him hide some ang moh tourists in his room until further notice.
Haha. I wonder if you all felt the exaggeration in the above story. (:
Oh and there was this young pretty lawyer lady that went to Mumbai for a one-day seminar and got killed on that very day in the restaurant. Walao. Damn sway.
Anyways, I'm a Gemini. (:
I can do something about jumping from one topic to another topic easily. We come in duals, like male a female, left and right, yin and yang. We can like one thing and like it's opposite as well. And, uhh, my element is the wind? They said something like, the wind of the gemini can blow in one direction and blow in another direction another minute later and that, uhh, geminis may just be a little breeze but our words are as powerful as a huge gust of wind.
How melodramatic. =="
Nevermind. I ate a chococlate truffle cake and a quarter of a lemon tart for lunch. ;D Isn't that awesome? ;D And fattening, but who cares? ;D ;D ;D
And my uncle might just become an accomplished artist. And mummy might be totally against me majoring in art next time. And, uhh, totally kill me if I mention I want to be an artist when I grow up. ...... So yeah, she doesn't know. Heh. Ah wells.
Thursday, 27 November 2008
is what I said to myself 5 days ago and I am finally doing it. (:
My cousins are staying over and I've been enetertaining them. Or they have been entertaining me. Uhh. 50 50. Actually, now there's only 1 cousin left cos' the other cousin had to go home for tuition. ): Heh.
Cousins(other cousins) and aunts and uncles came over! I had to treat them to ice cream.. =.= And they kept singing some stupid congrajulations song whenever I come out of a room or walk into the living room or something. And I got another 50 bucks from PoPo's sister. So it's like, my, uhh, grand auntie. I don't even know her that well. ... PoPo must have been really busy, huh.
Uhh. I think I bought my cross-stitching stuff then. I forgot all about this day even though it's some holy day or something.
Cousins(the cousins that came over to play with mee(:) came over. A DAY EARLY. (: Play Play Play. Watched them play Catch the Ghoulies. Scary): Even though it's only cartoonie graphics, it still creeps me out. Then played The Urbz!! :D I love that game.
Play Play Play. PLAAAY.
Went shopping with Steph Jie. Watched Madagascarrrrrr TWOOO(: It sems uber late though. ;X Ah whatever. Before that, I had to give my opinion on every dress JieJie pulled out. It was pretty crappy since I had no sense of fashion at all. Oh wait. I still have no sense of fashion at all. .... But somehow it was fun. Fun and crappy at the same time. Hah. Jie bought a grey/gray dress and then ditched some shop we told the owner we'd come back and buy the dress but we never really did..? Afer the movie, took NEOS :D I look disgusting in one and cartoonie in another one and you don't need my opinion on the others. I just realized she still hasn't given me my half of the pictures. And she just went HOME. D:
Woke up in the afternoon again and ate "breakfast" and then went to serene centre to return videos and to show JieJie the guy in the video store that seriously looks like a girl and now I'm having serious doubts about his/her gender.
She/he doesn't have an adam's apple and his/her voice is giry and guyish at the same time and his/her chest is totally flat but that happens to some girls too. My mind is filled many many possible and disgusting scenarios right now. o.o Ughh. And I can't make up my mind. :l Maybe I really am balanced-brain. Huh.
Jie went home. ):
I had piano lesson. :l Okay la. Not so bad. I didn't even realize it was going home time until the teacher told me so. Haha. Might not be too bad after all.
OKAY! Here are the contents of my mind. (:
Are there such things as children sleeping pills cos' if there are, could anyone like buy my a pack or at least tell me where I can buy some. I'm trying to kick my stupid habit of sleeping at 3-4 am. If they don't exist, Professors and Scientists and Modern-day Inventors are totally thinking too deep into life. Japan people have invented the MAN-BRA people!
Rocks. (: Rocks are nice. (: Smooth and not meant for rock-painting. Rock-painting reminds me of those neanderthals who paint with Heaven-knows-what on their cave walls and people who are so desperate for ink that they use their blood. Okay nevermind. This is totally irrelevant.
I have much more in my mind but this post is seriously too long. :l ): :l ): :l ): D:
Oh yes. And I just found out that there might not be much of a point to go to the OC anymore. Sigh. ):
is what I said to myself 5 days ago and I am finally doing it. (:
My cousins are staying over and I've been enetertaining them. Or they have been entertaining me. Uhh. 50 50. Actually, now there's only 1 cousin left cos' the other cousin had to go home for tuition. ): Heh.
Cousins(other cousins) and aunts and uncles came over! I had to treat them to ice cream.. =.= And they kept singing some stupid congrajulations song whenever I come out of a room or walk into the living room or something. And I got another 50 bucks from PoPo's sister. So it's like, my, uhh, grand auntie. I don't even know her that well. ... PoPo must have been really busy, huh.
Uhh. I think I bought my cross-stitching stuff then. I forgot all about this day even though it's some holy day or something.
Cousins(the cousins that came over to play with mee(:) came over. A DAY EARLY. (: Play Play Play. Watched them play Catch the Ghoulies. Scary): Even though it's only cartoonie graphics, it still creeps me out. Then played The Urbz!! :D I love that game.
Play Play Play. PLAAAY.
Went shopping with Steph Jie. Watched Madagascarrrrrr TWOOO(: It sems uber late though. ;X Ah whatever. Before that, I had to give my opinion on every dress JieJie pulled out. It was pretty crappy since I had no sense of fashion at all. Oh wait. I still have no sense of fashion at all. .... But somehow it was fun. Fun and crappy at the same time. Hah. Jie bought a grey/gray dress and then ditched some shop we told the owner we'd come back and buy the dress but we never really did..? Afer the movie, took NEOS :D I look disgusting in one and cartoonie in another one and you don't need my opinion on the others. I just realized she still hasn't given me my half of the pictures. And she just went HOME. D:
Woke up in the afternoon again and ate "breakfast" and then went to serene centre to return videos and to show JieJie the guy in the video store that seriously looks like a girl and now I'm having serious doubts about his/her gender.
She/he doesn't have an adam's apple and his/her voice is giry and guyish at the same time and his/her chest is totally flat but that happens to some girls too. My mind is filled many many possible and disgusting scenarios right now. o.o Ughh. And I can't make up my mind. :l Maybe I really am balanced-brain. Huh.
Jie went home. ):
I had piano lesson. :l Okay la. Not so bad. I didn't even realize it was going home time until the teacher told me so. Haha. Might not be too bad after all.
OKAY! Here are the contents of my mind. (:
Are there such things as children sleeping pills cos' if there are, could anyone like buy my a pack or at least tell me where I can buy some. I'm trying to kick my stupid habit of sleeping at 3-4 am. If they don't exist, Professors and Scientists and Modern-day Inventors are totally thinking too deep into life. Japan people have invented the MAN-BRA people!
Rocks. (: Rocks are nice. (: Smooth and not meant for rock-painting. Rock-painting reminds me of those neanderthals who paint with Heaven-knows-what on their cave walls and people who are so desperate for ink that they use their blood. Okay nevermind. This is totally irrelevant.
I have much more in my mind but this post is seriously too long. :l ): :l ): :l ): D:
Oh yes. And I just found out that there might not be much of a point to go to the OC anymore. Sigh. ):
Saturday, 22 November 2008
The last time he downloaded something, my whole computer CRASHED. I am so freaking pissed. Next time I'm not even going to let him use my computer. UGH.
I'll update next time. Too pissed off. =.=
The last time he downloaded something, my whole computer CRASHED. I am so freaking pissed. Next time I'm not even going to let him use my computer. UGH.
I'll update next time. Too pissed off. =.=
Friday, 21 November 2008
Hiya! (:
I got 265 ;D Okay. Enough boasting.
I got a lot of hugs from a lot of people. Which wa pretty much uncalled for. But, what the heck. (:
So I drew a picture to celebrate! (: I don't have a scanner (poor me.) so I took a picture of it. And it isn't blur this time! I think. ;X
Here you go! :

Okay, nevermind. I didn't really draw it for the little celebration of mine. ._. It was just something that popped in my head. Just so you know, it's not done yet. So this is the 'before'. (: Unless you only allow the 'before' as a blank piece of drawing block paper. ...
It looks better in reality. Eew. The paper looks yellow.
I actually wanted to do a paper mache of it at first, but I didn't have glue so I thought,"Okay. Let's draw it and colour it then." But then when I was drawing it, I forgot and shaded it and the shading looks real nice so I dropped the colouring idea. (: Heh. ;D
**Okay, let's make this easier for me. The kid with the mohawk is Bob and the other guy is Billy. The words on the Bob's shoulders are 'Live Life'. One word on each shoulder. The word's on the cloth pinned to his sleeve says 'Rock On'. The picture on Billy's shirt is an alien. :B and the word below it is 'Alienoid'. Okay, done.
I will continue to work on Bob and Billy;Billy and Bob later. (: Heyy... That's a good name for the picture. Bob and Billy;Billy and Bob! :D But I'll have to explain it to everyone I show the picture too. Nevermind. It'll be my secret name for the picture. (:
I got 265 ;D Okay. Enough boasting.
I got a lot of hugs from a lot of people. Which wa pretty much uncalled for. But, what the heck. (:
So I drew a picture to celebrate! (: I don't have a scanner (poor me.) so I took a picture of it. And it isn't blur this time! I think. ;X
Here you go! :
Okay, nevermind. I didn't really draw it for the little celebration of mine. ._. It was just something that popped in my head. Just so you know, it's not done yet. So this is the 'before'. (: Unless you only allow the 'before' as a blank piece of drawing block paper. ...
It looks better in reality. Eew. The paper looks yellow.
I actually wanted to do a paper mache of it at first, but I didn't have glue so I thought,"Okay. Let's draw it and colour it then." But then when I was drawing it, I forgot and shaded it and the shading looks real nice so I dropped the colouring idea. (: Heh. ;D
**Okay, let's make this easier for me. The kid with the mohawk is Bob and the other guy is Billy. The words on the Bob's shoulders are 'Live Life'. One word on each shoulder. The word's on the cloth pinned to his sleeve says 'Rock On'. The picture on Billy's shirt is an alien. :B and the word below it is 'Alienoid'. Okay, done.
I will continue to work on Bob and Billy;Billy and Bob later. (: Heyy... That's a good name for the picture. Bob and Billy;Billy and Bob! :D But I'll have to explain it to everyone I show the picture too. Nevermind. It'll be my secret name for the picture. (:
Wednesday, 19 November 2008
Doing my suckish piano theory now. Begging Sarah for help too. Again. >.>
Oh wells.
I also noticed that whenever I do piano theory homework, it's always raining. ... ._.
I wonder why.. =.=
ANYWAY. Pisslee results tomorrow. (: ): (: ): ? I am supposed to feel..... Scared? Excited? Ecstatic? A little bit of all.
Oh wells.
I also noticed that whenever I do piano theory homework, it's always raining. ... ._.
I wonder why.. =.=
ANYWAY. Pisslee results tomorrow. (: ): (: ): ? I am supposed to feel..... Scared? Excited? Ecstatic? A little bit of all.
Tuesday, 18 November 2008
I just realized I forgot to delete my internet browsing history. x.x In case you didn't know, I'm pretty paranoid about my parents checking on what I do. It drives me crazy somehow(I accidentally spelled it as some hoe just now :P).
Nevermind. I guess it's not that bad cos' the last time they checked the history thing was like, dunno how many years ago. And since we downloaded the latest version of IE, we couldn't ever find the history list unless we click the little arrow pointing downwards at the address bar. HAHA. But I'm still going to do it in case either one of my parents accidentally click somewhere and find it. =.= They do that, sometimes.
Went to the CROCODILE FARM today. Not that big of a deal luhz. Since I went there like three times already. >.> It was pretty amusing at first, when I learnt that crocodiles and alligators have different kinds of snouts(: and that there are only 23 different kinds of crocodiles in ze' worldzz. And that there are now a super endangered species of crocodiles called Gharials which look super cool with their super skinny and long snouts and they look like dinosaurs. xD
At first, I thought that the people were keeping them for some endangered species thingy like those enclosures? Or something? But then I remembered that it was a FARM. So they HARVEST, if you catch my drift.~
DID YOU KNOW? (lol.)
One crocodile= One handbag. D: D: Which is like $1,500. It's like the crocodile's life is only worth that much. ): Don't even get me started on how they kill them. );
One baby crocodile= One wallet ............................... >:O
And crocodiles can live up to a hundred years or more. (:
Oh yeah, they rub the skin with milk and egg white. ._.
They feed the baby crocildes by chopstick :D It is pretty cute actually, but then again most of the time you all don't agree with me when I say something is cute. =="
I slept at 3-4 am and woke up at 8am. Ate at Cafe Cartel for lunch (RIBS:D). Came home and fell on the bed and slept until 7pm, I think. How the HELL am I going to sleep tonight mannn.
I just realized I forgot to delete my internet browsing history. x.x In case you didn't know, I'm pretty paranoid about my parents checking on what I do. It drives me crazy somehow(I accidentally spelled it as some hoe just now :P).
Nevermind. I guess it's not that bad cos' the last time they checked the history thing was like, dunno how many years ago. And since we downloaded the latest version of IE, we couldn't ever find the history list unless we click the little arrow pointing downwards at the address bar. HAHA. But I'm still going to do it in case either one of my parents accidentally click somewhere and find it. =.= They do that, sometimes.
Went to the CROCODILE FARM today. Not that big of a deal luhz. Since I went there like three times already. >.> It was pretty amusing at first, when I learnt that crocodiles and alligators have different kinds of snouts(: and that there are only 23 different kinds of crocodiles in ze' worldzz. And that there are now a super endangered species of crocodiles called Gharials which look super cool with their super skinny and long snouts and they look like dinosaurs. xD
At first, I thought that the people were keeping them for some endangered species thingy like those enclosures? Or something? But then I remembered that it was a FARM. So they HARVEST, if you catch my drift.~
DID YOU KNOW? (lol.)
One crocodile= One handbag. D: D: Which is like $1,500. It's like the crocodile's life is only worth that much. ): Don't even get me started on how they kill them. );
One baby crocodile= One wallet ............................... >:O
And crocodiles can live up to a hundred years or more. (:
Oh yeah, they rub the skin with milk and egg white. ._.
They feed the baby crocildes by chopstick :D It is pretty cute actually, but then again most of the time you all don't agree with me when I say something is cute. =="
I slept at 3-4 am and woke up at 8am. Ate at Cafe Cartel for lunch (RIBS:D). Came home and fell on the bed and slept until 7pm, I think. How the HELL am I going to sleep tonight mannn.
Monday, 17 November 2008
I am so bloody pissed at my popo. =.=
Yesterday, while I was watching Shark and I didn't want to be disturbed, she came home and stand in front of the television and talk to me. She was talking so loud that I couldn't even hear what was going on on Shark. She always does that. When I'm watching something, she always comes and talks super loud with daddy and they are like totally oblivious of me sitting there, trying to watch a show peacefully.
"Kim ah! Wo zhu ji dan, ni yao ma?" (I cooked eggs, do you want some?)
"Bu Yao!"
"Yao ah???"
"Uhh.. YAO!"
"Bu Yao ah??"
What the hell mann. ==""
Ugh. I couldn't sleep last night too. I SHALL BAN MYSELF FROM LISTENING OR READING GHOST STORIES. That sounds so damn impossible but I'll try. :l
I have to follow mummy to some crocodile farm tomorrow with her school. Sian arh. I have to wake up super early and I have no idea how I'm going to do that since I can't freaking sleep until the AMs. =.=
Well, at least on Thursday, she's going to cook me THE AWESOMEST BREAKFAST IN THE WORLD. (:
Sunny-side-up eggs sprinkled with salt and pepper with crispybacon on the side as well as fried onions and potatoes and to top it all off, a glass of mango juice with little squares of nata de coco in it.
My life is almost complete. LOL
Yesterday, while I was watching Shark and I didn't want to be disturbed, she came home and stand in front of the television and talk to me. She was talking so loud that I couldn't even hear what was going on on Shark. She always does that. When I'm watching something, she always comes and talks super loud with daddy and they are like totally oblivious of me sitting there, trying to watch a show peacefully.
"Kim ah! Wo zhu ji dan, ni yao ma?" (I cooked eggs, do you want some?)
"Bu Yao!"
"Yao ah???"
"Uhh.. YAO!"
"Bu Yao ah??"
What the hell mann. ==""
Ugh. I couldn't sleep last night too. I SHALL BAN MYSELF FROM LISTENING OR READING GHOST STORIES. That sounds so damn impossible but I'll try. :l
I have to follow mummy to some crocodile farm tomorrow with her school. Sian arh. I have to wake up super early and I have no idea how I'm going to do that since I can't freaking sleep until the AMs. =.=
Well, at least on Thursday, she's going to cook me THE AWESOMEST BREAKFAST IN THE WORLD. (:
Sunny-side-up eggs sprinkled with salt and pepper with crispybacon on the side as well as fried onions and potatoes and to top it all off, a glass of mango juice with little squares of nata de coco in it.
My life is almost complete. LOL
Sunday, 16 November 2008
Mummy bought me a nice holiday gift. She just bought two sec 1 math books for me to do.
I suppose that's quite good la. I get a head start, I guess. But it's hard. ): The equations are all so complicated and it makes your head(well, if not, mine only) spin. Sigh.
I guess I'll get through chapter one by tonight.
I couldn't sleep at all last night. Literally. Stupid ghost stories. >:l I stayed up the whole night, watching tv, checking the guides if there were any creepy shows that would remind me of the damn stories. Like Reaper, Invader Zim etc. Invader Zim also cannot. :x
I watched until like 5am, then mummy told me to off the tv. She even said 'please' so she was probably desperate. Anyway, because of this we didn't go to church. Well, technically, because of me. BUT, because of me, mummy finally got the chance to sleep in. (: She wakes up at like 6-7 am almost everyday. :l
At 5 am, when the television was off and you could hear the little twitches of some random objects moving(Well, at least I hope they were the little twitches of some random objects moving. x.x), I hid under my blanket for like an hour and finally dozed off. I woke up at 7 and felt so freaking relieved that the sun was up again. I fell asleep again and woke up at like 12.
Went to Great World City to eat lunch(Kenny Rogers. (: I haven't eaten there for like, YEARS), bought two books and some cross-stitching thing I thought could entertain me for a few hours.
Mummy dropped us off at home and rushed to some salon to dye her hair. Again. No more high lights. Haha. (: Oh, did I mention that mummy's car plate dropped off? HAHA. So we drove around in daddy's BMW for the whole day today. (: Anyways, came home and watched Shark(some series) for a while til dinner. It's M18 but it doesn't seem like it at all. I thought M18 movies were gory and sick and what not, like Sweeny Todd. :D But this wasn't that gory and sick. Mummy wanted to watch it at first, not me. But it was nice. :P
My tagboard is like DEAD. So could you people please be kind and TAG. I even made the effort to colour this portion red so your eyes would notice it and read it and hopefully obey it. (not that this is an order or anything >.>) Unless, you're super unobservant. =.=
Ah, I just caught my brother 'break dancing' behind my back. I mean this literally, not that stupid idiom or whatever it is. He thought I wouldn't see. HAHA. Yeah, right.
I suppose that's quite good la. I get a head start, I guess. But it's hard. ): The equations are all so complicated and it makes your head(well, if not, mine only) spin. Sigh.
I guess I'll get through chapter one by tonight.
I couldn't sleep at all last night. Literally. Stupid ghost stories. >:l I stayed up the whole night, watching tv, checking the guides if there were any creepy shows that would remind me of the damn stories. Like Reaper, Invader Zim etc. Invader Zim also cannot. :x
I watched until like 5am, then mummy told me to off the tv. She even said 'please' so she was probably desperate. Anyway, because of this we didn't go to church. Well, technically, because of me. BUT, because of me, mummy finally got the chance to sleep in. (: She wakes up at like 6-7 am almost everyday. :l
At 5 am, when the television was off and you could hear the little twitches of some random objects moving(Well, at least I hope they were the little twitches of some random objects moving. x.x), I hid under my blanket for like an hour and finally dozed off. I woke up at 7 and felt so freaking relieved that the sun was up again. I fell asleep again and woke up at like 12.
Went to Great World City to eat lunch(Kenny Rogers. (: I haven't eaten there for like, YEARS), bought two books and some cross-stitching thing I thought could entertain me for a few hours.
Mummy dropped us off at home and rushed to some salon to dye her hair. Again. No more high lights. Haha. (: Oh, did I mention that mummy's car plate dropped off? HAHA. So we drove around in daddy's BMW for the whole day today. (: Anyways, came home and watched Shark(some series) for a while til dinner. It's M18 but it doesn't seem like it at all. I thought M18 movies were gory and sick and what not, like Sweeny Todd. :D But this wasn't that gory and sick. Mummy wanted to watch it at first, not me. But it was nice. :P
My tagboard is like DEAD. So could you people please be kind and TAG. I even made the effort to colour this portion red so your eyes would notice it and read it and hopefully obey it. (not that this is an order or anything >.>) Unless, you're super unobservant. =.=
Ah, I just caught my brother 'break dancing' behind my back. I mean this literally, not that stupid idiom or whatever it is. He thought I wouldn't see. HAHA. Yeah, right.
Saturday, 15 November 2008
I'm balanced brain.
I can use both sides of my brain equally. I'm not sure whether that's good or bad. But because of this I find it hard to make descisions. =.= My family thinks I'm more dominant with my right side of the brain. In case you didn't know, the left side of the brain is responsible for solving problems logically whereas the right side of the brain is responsible for noticing subtle details and coming up with more creative ways to solve problems. ...
Anyways, I'm freaked out by the stupid ghost stories my whole family is telling me. And their, well, pretty much ... true. If you think about it, they are real. :l I feel like dying. ): I was so freaked out today, my hands were shaking in the shower. ;X
I skipped aikido today. I felt a little sick. But not that sick. Just a little. I complained a lot to mummy and she thought I was on the verge of tears so she brought me to buy groceries instead of aikido. :D She said she spoilt me and Tim too much. HAHA. (:
I'm tired now. Church tomorrow. Byebye
I can use both sides of my brain equally. I'm not sure whether that's good or bad. But because of this I find it hard to make descisions. =.= My family thinks I'm more dominant with my right side of the brain. In case you didn't know, the left side of the brain is responsible for solving problems logically whereas the right side of the brain is responsible for noticing subtle details and coming up with more creative ways to solve problems. ...
Anyways, I'm freaked out by the stupid ghost stories my whole family is telling me. And their, well, pretty much ... true. If you think about it, they are real. :l I feel like dying. ): I was so freaked out today, my hands were shaking in the shower. ;X
I skipped aikido today. I felt a little sick. But not that sick. Just a little. I complained a lot to mummy and she thought I was on the verge of tears so she brought me to buy groceries instead of aikido. :D She said she spoilt me and Tim too much. HAHA. (:
I'm tired now. Church tomorrow. Byebye
Thursday, 13 November 2008
I shall post all the results of the quizzes I took on facebook. Why, you ask? Cos' I feel like it.
What animal are you? Result: Llama
A lot of people don't realize this, but llamas are the coolest animals on the planet. They are totally laid back, they have stylish hairdo's, and they've got good attitudes towards all creatures, big and small. They're like the "awesome next door neighbors" of the animal kingdom.
You're a llama! Be happy, be proud. Then go out and spread the word that there's nothing cooler than a llama. The world has got to know the truth.
How will you die? Result: Devoured by wolves (=.=)
You're not very cautious when it comes to unfamiliar places, and you tend to react fast rather than think things out. That's why you're gonna be wolf meat. Studies have shown that you're twice as likely to get hit by lightning than get attacked by wolves, so you're a pretty lucky duck. When that pack of wolves starts hunting you down, try throwing rocks at them to ward them off. Don't feed them anything or they might get aggressive when you run out of food. And don't carry around any babies with you. Wolves love eating babies.
How hot are you? Result: Hot Cool (Don't ask me why I took this quiz. I tried to avoid as much as possible but it was the last one there. Don't believe than don't believe. =.=)
A balmy, breezy 76 degrees. We don't know about "hot," but you're cool for sure. Which is a great thing. You're fun to be around, and you're super easy-going. But you're probably not gonna set the world on fire. If you're disappointed with your results, we suggest you heat things up a bit (or maybe just retake the quiz and lie). But really, we think you should be proud to be Cool Hot. You're one of the only folks around who's guaranteed not to burn us.
What's your mental age? Result: 6 months old
You love to get pampered, take lots of naps, and eat mashed bananas. Okay, we're only speculating on the mashed bananas. And really, there's nothing wrong with that stuff. You love to be comfortable and close to the people you love. That stuff's all great! Just be sure to change your diaper every once in a while.
Where will you be in 10 years? Result: Billionare ( :D )
Way to plan for the future! When your first billion rolls around, don't forget who predicted it first -- and please send us a nice fruit basket. So, how do you ensure this wonderful fate? Be sure to save your money, invest it wisely, and don't waste all your cash on soda and ice cream sandwiches. You have no idea how many would-be billionaires lost their fortunes because of junk food.
The eSPIN personality test Result: The Thinker (I still don't understand what this means)
You're smart, and you know what? You totally know it. You value brains above almost anything else, which is pretty good. (Better than valuing, say, booties). But you also tend to get cocky about your own intelligence. Keep up with the intellectual pursuits, but don't be afraid to be wrong every once in a while. Seriously - stupidity can be cute!
The past life quiz Result: Drunk Cowboy (What? I was just curious. >.>)
You know how you're independent and like to have fun? That's because 160 years ago, your soul was out in the wild west, partying it up. If you don't remember it, that's okay. Back then, you probably didn't remember much either. Big brown bottles with three X's on them can do that to you. Even though you liked to party in your past life, you were still pretty tough. (You had to be - the wild west was a scary place!) So if you're feeling scared or insecure, try to harness some of that courage that's hanging out in your soul.
Are you a vampire? Result: You're definitely not a vampire (Hehe(:)
You and Dracula have just about nothing in common (besides good hair and a pretty decent vocabulary). Darkness and blood aren't really your things. You'd rather have bright sunshine and strawberry jelly. If you're interested in being a vampire, we recommend starting out slowly. Maybe eat some Count Chocula cereal. It won't grant you immortality, but it's part of a balanced breakfast.
What's wrong with you? Result: Too friendly (I sooo don't agree with this.)
You're very open with people, which is great, but sometimes those people are wearing brass knuckles, which is not great. You tend to think that people are generally good at heart, and because of that, you're very trusting. People are drawn to your positive attitude and you tend to make friends easily. (You might also be a little vain, but hey, who could blame you? You're a good-looking individual, and you have a right to be a little cocky about it.) So where could you go wrong? Well, if you're too friendly, you might not be on alert for those folks you really shouldn't trust. So try to use more caution when you meet new people. And quit trading gym socks with strangers. That's just plain gross.
Are you a good advice giver? Result: Kind advice giver (huh.)
Your friends love turning to you for advice 'cause you're always so sweet. You cheer them up when they're feeling bad and you'll bend over backwards just to help them out. You're a great friend - but make sure your friends aren't taking advantage of you. If they're not giving you the same love in return, then maybe they don't deserve you.
How will you get famous? Result: CEO of a Fortune 500 Company (hoho.)
Get ready for power suits, business lunches and some really expensive cigars. After inventing the digital stapler, your life will become a whirlwind of business deals and huge royalty checks. You'll eventually start a multibillion dollar company that manufactures glow-in-the-dark office supplies. The Great Blackout of 2023 will send your sales through the roof. By the end of your career, you'll have over 80 bilion dollars in assets, including a house in Maui and more diamond-encrusted tiaras than anyone could ever need.
That last one sounds good but I don't wanna work in an office. =.=
What animal are you? Result: Llama
A lot of people don't realize this, but llamas are the coolest animals on the planet. They are totally laid back, they have stylish hairdo's, and they've got good attitudes towards all creatures, big and small. They're like the "awesome next door neighbors" of the animal kingdom.
You're a llama! Be happy, be proud. Then go out and spread the word that there's nothing cooler than a llama. The world has got to know the truth.
How will you die? Result: Devoured by wolves (=.=)
You're not very cautious when it comes to unfamiliar places, and you tend to react fast rather than think things out. That's why you're gonna be wolf meat. Studies have shown that you're twice as likely to get hit by lightning than get attacked by wolves, so you're a pretty lucky duck. When that pack of wolves starts hunting you down, try throwing rocks at them to ward them off. Don't feed them anything or they might get aggressive when you run out of food. And don't carry around any babies with you. Wolves love eating babies.
How hot are you? Result: Hot Cool (Don't ask me why I took this quiz. I tried to avoid as much as possible but it was the last one there. Don't believe than don't believe. =.=)
A balmy, breezy 76 degrees. We don't know about "hot," but you're cool for sure. Which is a great thing. You're fun to be around, and you're super easy-going. But you're probably not gonna set the world on fire. If you're disappointed with your results, we suggest you heat things up a bit (or maybe just retake the quiz and lie). But really, we think you should be proud to be Cool Hot. You're one of the only folks around who's guaranteed not to burn us.
What's your mental age? Result: 6 months old
You love to get pampered, take lots of naps, and eat mashed bananas. Okay, we're only speculating on the mashed bananas. And really, there's nothing wrong with that stuff. You love to be comfortable and close to the people you love. That stuff's all great! Just be sure to change your diaper every once in a while.
Where will you be in 10 years? Result: Billionare ( :D )
Way to plan for the future! When your first billion rolls around, don't forget who predicted it first -- and please send us a nice fruit basket. So, how do you ensure this wonderful fate? Be sure to save your money, invest it wisely, and don't waste all your cash on soda and ice cream sandwiches. You have no idea how many would-be billionaires lost their fortunes because of junk food.
The eSPIN personality test Result: The Thinker (I still don't understand what this means)
You're smart, and you know what? You totally know it. You value brains above almost anything else, which is pretty good. (Better than valuing, say, booties). But you also tend to get cocky about your own intelligence. Keep up with the intellectual pursuits, but don't be afraid to be wrong every once in a while. Seriously - stupidity can be cute!
The past life quiz Result: Drunk Cowboy (What? I was just curious. >.>)
You know how you're independent and like to have fun? That's because 160 years ago, your soul was out in the wild west, partying it up. If you don't remember it, that's okay. Back then, you probably didn't remember much either. Big brown bottles with three X's on them can do that to you. Even though you liked to party in your past life, you were still pretty tough. (You had to be - the wild west was a scary place!) So if you're feeling scared or insecure, try to harness some of that courage that's hanging out in your soul.
Are you a vampire? Result: You're definitely not a vampire (Hehe(:)
You and Dracula have just about nothing in common (besides good hair and a pretty decent vocabulary). Darkness and blood aren't really your things. You'd rather have bright sunshine and strawberry jelly. If you're interested in being a vampire, we recommend starting out slowly. Maybe eat some Count Chocula cereal. It won't grant you immortality, but it's part of a balanced breakfast.
What's wrong with you? Result: Too friendly (I sooo don't agree with this.)
You're very open with people, which is great, but sometimes those people are wearing brass knuckles, which is not great. You tend to think that people are generally good at heart, and because of that, you're very trusting. People are drawn to your positive attitude and you tend to make friends easily. (You might also be a little vain, but hey, who could blame you? You're a good-looking individual, and you have a right to be a little cocky about it.) So where could you go wrong? Well, if you're too friendly, you might not be on alert for those folks you really shouldn't trust. So try to use more caution when you meet new people. And quit trading gym socks with strangers. That's just plain gross.
Are you a good advice giver? Result: Kind advice giver (huh.)
Your friends love turning to you for advice 'cause you're always so sweet. You cheer them up when they're feeling bad and you'll bend over backwards just to help them out. You're a great friend - but make sure your friends aren't taking advantage of you. If they're not giving you the same love in return, then maybe they don't deserve you.
How will you get famous? Result: CEO of a Fortune 500 Company (hoho.)
Get ready for power suits, business lunches and some really expensive cigars. After inventing the digital stapler, your life will become a whirlwind of business deals and huge royalty checks. You'll eventually start a multibillion dollar company that manufactures glow-in-the-dark office supplies. The Great Blackout of 2023 will send your sales through the roof. By the end of your career, you'll have over 80 bilion dollars in assets, including a house in Maui and more diamond-encrusted tiaras than anyone could ever need.
That last one sounds good but I don't wanna work in an office. =.=
Wednesday, 12 November 2008
I have FINALLY finished doing my piano theory homework! (:
It was so damn hard. I even spammed Sarah's phone with messages and called her for help. ;X I didn't even finish grade 1 theory and they skip me all the way to grade 4. I want to die la. Well, I'll sail through it somehow.
I added a head to my unfinished doodle of a guy wearing lots of accessories. Well, you'll never really know what I'm talking about since my descriptions are always either too detailed that they're utterly incomprehensible or I'm not describing enough for you to picture it. So I'll upload a picture of it as soon as my camera comes running back into my arms from the evil clutches of my mummy's handbag.
And I think I got a little bit of diarrhea.. T-T I can't watch my 23 minute episodes of hayate no gotoku or school rumble without getting interrupted by the persistent pain in my tummy. )):
Me and my brother are now attempting to make the longest rubberband chain in the universe!! MUAHAHAHAHA. >:D
D: Nooooooo. PoPo want to scold us already. T-T
I had a happy happy dream last night. I remember saying in my dream,"This is great. And the best thing is, is that this is reality!" That was when I woke up. I will not tell you what were the contents of my dream. But let me give you an absolutely useless and ridiculous hint:
It had riceballs in it.(literally, rice balls)
It was so damn hard. I even spammed Sarah's phone with messages and called her for help. ;X I didn't even finish grade 1 theory and they skip me all the way to grade 4. I want to die la. Well, I'll sail through it somehow.
I added a head to my unfinished doodle of a guy wearing lots of accessories. Well, you'll never really know what I'm talking about since my descriptions are always either too detailed that they're utterly incomprehensible or I'm not describing enough for you to picture it. So I'll upload a picture of it as soon as my camera comes running back into my arms from the evil clutches of my mummy's handbag.
And I think I got a little bit of diarrhea.. T-T I can't watch my 23 minute episodes of hayate no gotoku or school rumble without getting interrupted by the persistent pain in my tummy. )):
Me and my brother are now attempting to make the longest rubberband chain in the universe!! MUAHAHAHAHA. >:D
D: Nooooooo. PoPo want to scold us already. T-T
I had a happy happy dream last night. I remember saying in my dream,"This is great. And the best thing is, is that this is reality!" That was when I woke up. I will not tell you what were the contents of my dream. But let me give you an absolutely useless and ridiculous hint:
It had riceballs in it.(literally, rice balls)
Tuesday, 11 November 2008
Heyo (:
Went out to watch James Bond: Quantum of Solace (Soundaffects:DENDENDEN!~~) with my neighbour today. (: It was pretty okay. I didn't really understand anything though, since they were all using different accents to speak and it was really hard cos' I kept having to tune my ears to everything. =.= British, Italian, French and what not, all in there. But I could roughly guess what was happening throught the pictures.
Daniel Craig. Hmm.. Mummy says he isn't that good-looking and some people say he's hot. Haha. I don't know what I'm supposed to choose. But I think I like the previous James Bond better.
James Bond: Quantum of Solace (DENDENDENNNN~), I give it a thumbs up. (:
We cabbed back home and in the cab we didn't talk at all. Other than the little chuckle we had when suddenly a voice from the Worms Battle game thing came from nowhere saying(or squeaking),"Incoming!!(sound of a missle firing)". Haha. (: We didn't talk but it didn't feel awkward either. Just the two of us, minding our own business(and of course I was day dreaming, as usual).
We came back and planned to watch the dvd of Horton, only to find out that mummy had already returned it to the video rental shop. =.= So we watched Borat. LOL. It was damn funny but we skipped the sick sick parts to avoid any more damage to the young mind than what has already been done.
Oh and I've been seriously addicted to Harvest Moon: Boy & Girl for the past two weeks! It's sooo awesome. The gameboy Harvest moon was so boring. I think I quit even before Spring(the first season) ended. But the PSP Harvest Moon rocks. :D Or it's jsut that my attitude towards farms have changed dramatically. Whichever's fine.
But a mind-blowing game has it's down sides as well. ):
I have to freaking extend my hen house and barn before I can make my house extension. Which is retarded cos' I don't need to do either. I only had four chickens when I extended my hen house and the maximum number of chickens I could have was five. =.= And I don't need to extend my barn either cos' I only have one dumb cow and one stupid sheep(which is pregnant by the way (:). Okay nevermind. You guys probably don't understand what I'm blabbering out anyways. So I'll stop pressing the keyboard buttons now.
WAIT NOT YET. I found out what I am. (:
I'm a hikkimori.
Hehe. That's japanese for a person who wastes his/her days on manga, anime, video games and other useless things and prefers to be alone at home rather than to be at a crowded area. (:
It sounds bad. But whatever.
Went out to watch James Bond: Quantum of Solace (Soundaffects:DENDENDEN!~~) with my neighbour today. (: It was pretty okay. I didn't really understand anything though, since they were all using different accents to speak and it was really hard cos' I kept having to tune my ears to everything. =.= British, Italian, French and what not, all in there. But I could roughly guess what was happening throught the pictures.
Daniel Craig. Hmm.. Mummy says he isn't that good-looking and some people say he's hot. Haha. I don't know what I'm supposed to choose. But I think I like the previous James Bond better.
James Bond: Quantum of Solace (DENDENDENNNN~), I give it a thumbs up. (:
We cabbed back home and in the cab we didn't talk at all. Other than the little chuckle we had when suddenly a voice from the Worms Battle game thing came from nowhere saying(or squeaking),"Incoming!!(sound of a missle firing)". Haha. (: We didn't talk but it didn't feel awkward either. Just the two of us, minding our own business(and of course I was day dreaming, as usual).
We came back and planned to watch the dvd of Horton, only to find out that mummy had already returned it to the video rental shop. =.= So we watched Borat. LOL. It was damn funny but we skipped the sick sick parts to avoid any more damage to the young mind than what has already been done.
Oh and I've been seriously addicted to Harvest Moon: Boy & Girl for the past two weeks! It's sooo awesome. The gameboy Harvest moon was so boring. I think I quit even before Spring(the first season) ended. But the PSP Harvest Moon rocks. :D Or it's jsut that my attitude towards farms have changed dramatically. Whichever's fine.
But a mind-blowing game has it's down sides as well. ):
I have to freaking extend my hen house and barn before I can make my house extension. Which is retarded cos' I don't need to do either. I only had four chickens when I extended my hen house and the maximum number of chickens I could have was five. =.= And I don't need to extend my barn either cos' I only have one dumb cow and one stupid sheep(which is pregnant by the way (:). Okay nevermind. You guys probably don't understand what I'm blabbering out anyways. So I'll stop pressing the keyboard buttons now.
WAIT NOT YET. I found out what I am. (:
I'm a hikkimori.
Hehe. That's japanese for a person who wastes his/her days on manga, anime, video games and other useless things and prefers to be alone at home rather than to be at a crowded area. (:
It sounds bad. But whatever.
Monday, 10 November 2008
I forgot to add one conversation that happened yesterday which is still haunting me at this very moment.
We were on the way to church and suddenly mummy said,"You know I had a dream that Kim got 245 for PSLE?"
D: D: D: D: D: D: D:
Daddy says,"WHAD? If Kim gets 245 for PSLE, she shouldn't come home."
Mummy says,"Ya, she shouldn't. If she gets 245, she'll get the lowest score in the whole family. Popo wouldn't talk to her for a long time and she'll feel soooo embarrassed."
>:O >:O >:O >:O >:O >:O
They kept on talking and talking like I wasn't even there. Now I'm damn scared. What if I really get 245 for pisslee? Shit shit shit shit shit.
Oh and i'm not going to ShangHai anymore. Save costs, mummy said. And she needs to do her school holiday programme anyways. I'm going for their field trips only. (: Last time we went to SnowCity. :D
Nnnnnnnghgh... I havea swollen eye and I still feel like shit. All the way down to the bone marrows. I can't even scream into the pillows. My family will still hear and give me problems. =.=
We were on the way to church and suddenly mummy said,"You know I had a dream that Kim got 245 for PSLE?"
D: D: D: D: D: D: D:
Daddy says,"WHAD? If Kim gets 245 for PSLE, she shouldn't come home."
Mummy says,"Ya, she shouldn't. If she gets 245, she'll get the lowest score in the whole family. Popo wouldn't talk to her for a long time and she'll feel soooo embarrassed."
>:O >:O >:O >:O >:O >:O
They kept on talking and talking like I wasn't even there. Now I'm damn scared. What if I really get 245 for pisslee? Shit shit shit shit shit.
Oh and i'm not going to ShangHai anymore. Save costs, mummy said. And she needs to do her school holiday programme anyways. I'm going for their field trips only. (: Last time we went to SnowCity. :D
Nnnnnnnghgh... I havea swollen eye and I still feel like shit. All the way down to the bone marrows. I can't even scream into the pillows. My family will still hear and give me problems. =.=
Sunday, 9 November 2008
My parents are hogging MY iPod all to themselves, bugging me to upload all THEIR stupid songs onto MY iPod. Well, I'm not going to do it. I'm going to let them have the stupid iPod classic and I'm buying an iPod nano for MYSELF. Did I mention I hate sharing?
Oh yeah.
But of course, there is no place in the world where I can scream like a lunatic and not get looked at in the face by freaking passers-by.
I feel like dying.
Sunday is my favourite day now.
Oh yeah.
But of course, there is no place in the world where I can scream like a lunatic and not get looked at in the face by freaking passers-by.
I feel like dying.
Sunday is my favourite day now.
Saturday, 8 November 2008
If you're wondering why I didn't post yesterday, then think no further! As I will tell you straight in your face right now. Yes, in your face, right now. What do you think, huh, huh, huh? LOL. Okay, I shall stop being lame.
I was so damn tired. Slept at 2+ am then violently shaken awake by mummy at 8am. I had to fight a disastrous war against boredom for 13 hours. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
At first it was okay, since my PSP was there for me. It ran for a full 6 and a half hours then died. D: I didn't feel like reading Artemis Fowl so I took Tim's special colouring thingy and started doing it. It was so pretty. Lol. I was halfway making a master piece when Tim started scribbling all over it. And it was DESTROYED. ): But it was really fun though. Some people stared at me but who cares. I guess I haven't lost the 5-year-old in me. (:
I stopped and then stoned in the aircon room for Heavenknows how long and for moment there, my mind was actually blank. Haha. Which felt pretty good when I realized it. But then it wasn't blank anymore. ..... Nevermind.
TESSA LIANG SU EN. You must teach me all the limewire stuff. (: And how to delete a song from an Ipod. ... I feel so damn dumb right now.
Okay, I'm freaking tired right now. I'm going to sleep now. Good night, afternoon, whatever.
(Oh and I'm going out on Tuesday with my neighbour. (: Believe it or not, this is the first time in the holidays so far I'm going out with a friend. Shows you how much I love home. :X)
I was so damn tired. Slept at 2+ am then violently shaken awake by mummy at 8am. I had to fight a disastrous war against boredom for 13 hours. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
At first it was okay, since my PSP was there for me. It ran for a full 6 and a half hours then died. D: I didn't feel like reading Artemis Fowl so I took Tim's special colouring thingy and started doing it. It was so pretty. Lol. I was halfway making a master piece when Tim started scribbling all over it. And it was DESTROYED. ): But it was really fun though. Some people stared at me but who cares. I guess I haven't lost the 5-year-old in me. (:
I stopped and then stoned in the aircon room for Heavenknows how long and for moment there, my mind was actually blank. Haha. Which felt pretty good when I realized it. But then it wasn't blank anymore. ..... Nevermind.
TESSA LIANG SU EN. You must teach me all the limewire stuff. (: And how to delete a song from an Ipod. ... I feel so damn dumb right now.
Okay, I'm freaking tired right now. I'm going to sleep now. Good night, afternoon, whatever.
(Oh and I'm going out on Tuesday with my neighbour. (: Believe it or not, this is the first time in the holidays so far I'm going out with a friend. Shows you how much I love home. :X)
Wednesday, 5 November 2008
Okay, I shall do MORE QUIZZES! (: This time it's the 2 quizzes Steph tagged me to do but I never really did yet. >.> I'm not even gonna bother about the tagging part.
Here we go~
Where was the first time you ever saw the person you like at the moment?
The sad thing is, ..... I can't remember. ):
What's the greatest thing that happened to you today?
I counted to 700 at dunno what AM trying to sleep but it didn't work.
Would you rather get up early or sleep late?
Get up early. Get more 'work' done that way. :P
Tell me what you hate most?
Losing to someone I hate. >:l
What would you change about your life right now?
HAHA. Not telling you. =.=
Would you rather smile over a lie or cry over the truth?
Cry over the truth
What's on your bedroom floor right now?
I dunno. o.o Floor tiles? Or in my case, wooden floor tiles.
When was the last time you had your hair cut?
Some time before the scary exam.
Would you rather be mad or sad?
Does it take a lot to make you cry?
I think so. Oh wait, no. I almost cried a lot of times just by watching Ghost Whisperer. Haha. xD
Whats the best feeling in the world?
Being on TOP. :D Don't you agree? Hee(:
Are your parents strict?
You have no idea..
Name one fear you have?
Paper cuts. Paper cuts!! >.<
Does the thought of marriage scare you?
Nope, not really.
How many kids do you want?
I'd rather not think about that right noww. =.=
What's your favorite color to wear?
BLUE! Jeans, you see. :B
Who was the last person in your bedroom?
Meeeeeeee(siam) Heh.
What were you doing today?
Rotting away at the comforts of my own home. How nice.
Do you get bored easily?
Do you wish at 12am?
No. I predict bloody mary is going to appear in my closet at that time. That's why the closet doors are always closed. (:
When you go to the beach do you swim or play out more?
I play in the sand and build huge imaginary 50 feet tall sand castles! With hundreds of towers and flags and I even make the imaginary bulky soldiers and everything. :D
Who's the last text message you received from?
Mummy, telling me that she and daddy aren't coming home for dindin tonight.
What are you freakishly obsessed with?
Uhh. Obsession arh. Nothing much really. Ghost whisperer? Harvest Moon PSP? I dunno. ._.
What are you listening to right now?
My maid mop the floors. You know, swoosh swoooosh.~
o1. The person who tagged me is?
o2. Your relationship with her/he?
- Friends
o3. Your 5 impressions of her/he?
- Smart, Algebra Professional, Sporty, Confident? Or isit just big ego. Dunno le.
o4. The most memorable thing she/he had for you for?
- Memorable.. =.= She beat me at almost every subject.
o5. If she/he becomes your lover, you will?
- Uhh, don't think that'll ever happen.
o6. If she/he becomes your lover, things she/he has to improve on?
- Bleah
o7. If he/she becomes your enemy, you will?
- Do you really wanna know? :B
o8. What is it you want to tell her/him now?
- Tag me. Lol
o9. Your overall impression of her/him now?
- Uhh.. Nice.
o10. How do you think people around you will feel about you?
- Like they do now?
o11. The characters of yourself you love are?
- Tall. HAHA.
o12. The most ideal person you want to be is?
- Picasso. Or Leonardo Da Vinci
o13. For people that care and likes you, say something to them.
- Peace. V^_^V
Pass this quiz to 10 people you wish to know how they feel about you.
1. SarahAnn
2. Beej
3. Tessa
4. Steph
5. Dawn
6. Uhh. Stephanie JieJie(cousin)
7. Stanford Didi(cousin)
8. Steffi
9. Amanda and
10. Benedict?
o14. Who's no.6 having relationship with?
Lol. Emm, she wants to concentrate on her studies first.
o15. If no.7 and 10 are together, will it be a good thing?
o16. What is no.2 studying about?
Swimming. Haha.
o17. When was the last time you had a chat with no.3?
When school still existed.
o18. What kind of music does no.8 like?
Uhh, not sure.
o19. Does no.1 have any siblings?
o20. Will you woo no.3?
I am fundamentally not interested in that.
o21. How about no.7?
He's my cousin. =.=
o22. Is no. 4 single?
o23. What is the surname of no.5?
o24. What is a hobby of no.10?
Doing weird things to get cash?
o25. Do no.5 and no.9 get along well?
They don't know each other
o26. Where is no.2 studying at?
Methodist Girls' (:
o27. Where does no.9 live?
In Australia~
o28. What colour does no.4 like?
I forgot. She's taking her O's so I haven't talked to her in a while.
o29. What is no.10 doing now?
He's oceans apart =.=
Okay, let's do another one from Steph's blog. (:
1.What have you been doing recently?
Rotting at home. Trying to improve my doodling skillzzz.
2.Do you ever turn your cellphone off?
Sometimes, But usually I forget to the messages swarm in even when I'm napping. Haha. xP
3.What happened at 10am today?
I was cutting brownies in a campsite and rock climbing at the same time in dreamland.
4.When did you last cry?
I can't even remember when.
5.Believe in fate/destiny?
I believe in fate and destiny as much as I believe in my next breath.
6.What do you want in your life now?
A sudden turn of events.
11.Do you tend to make a relationship complicated?
I've never had a relationship. I don't know.
12. Are you wearing anything borrowed from somebody else?
Uhh. PoPo gave me her oversized mickeymouse shirt to sleep in. Is that counted?
13.What was the last movie you caught?
I forgot. It's so long ago~ I can't watch a movie until mummy's concert ends.
14.Does the person know that you like him/her?
I hope not.
15.Who always makes you laugh?
Myself. Haha. (:
16.Do you speak languages other than english?
Shi de.
17.Favourite website(s)?
www.onemanga.com , www.my-corrupted-blog.blogspot.com , www.facebook.com , www.freetetris.org , www.adictinggames.com .
19.What are you doing tomorrow?
Waking up at 2pm.
20.What do you think you are like?
People are stupid to think that they can know what people think of themselves just by asking.
21.Who will you choose to die with?
ALONE. I want to die alone. Preferably in or near some natural environment so that I can decompose and return to the Earth's soil and help the plants(at the same time helping people) even though I'm dead. Instead of being cremated and stored in some pot and put away in a cement corner, a useless, inanimate object, until judgement day arrives. =.=
22.Where have you been today?
I went to the toilet several times. And then to the kitchen to hydrate myself.
23.What game do you play often?
The number game. Or alphabet game with myself. It is rather amusing. Or Harvest Moon on my PSP.
24 .Who are you missing right now?
Mr Sand Man.
25.If you had to chose between a friend and a love, who will you chose?
I'd save the love from the fire and leave the friend in the burning house. LOL. That didn't come out right.
26.What are you doing right now?
Feeling thirsty.
27.Which primary school are you from?
You mean,"Which primary school were you from?"
28.Name 3 colours that you like.
29.What emoticon do you like to show?
30.What is your life to you?
Nothing. YET.
31.If you have something troubling you, what will you do?
Stay at home and distract myself with games and movies and whatever can help me escape from reality, even if it's for a few minutes or so.
32.Who did you last chat with on msn today?
I forgot to log in to MSN today. :X
33 .Who do you admire most?
Leonardo Da Vinci. And all the prodigies of the world, dead or alive.
34 .Which month were you born in?
I'm a JUNE baby. (:
35.How are you feeling right now?
BORED. Entertain me.
36.What is the time now?
1.05 in the morning.
37.What kind of person do you think the one who tagged you is?
I wasn't tagged.
38.What colour did you use to dye hair?
You're an idiot to think that almost everybody in the world dyes their hair. =.=
39.Why are you doing this test?
To pass time and make me sleepy.
40.What do you do when you're moody?
Wasn't this the same question as the 'what do you do if you're troubled' question?
41.At which age you wish to get married?
Woah Woah. Too fast. Too fast.
42.Who is more important to you?
The big person up North. ^ (:
43.If today is the last day of your life, what will you do?
I made a list before. But I'd probably sleep in.
44.Who is the person you trust the most?
Me, Myself and I.
45.Do you believe in seeing a rainbow after a rain?
Yesh. Because the Bible said so.
46.If you have a dream come true, what would it be?
I dreamt once that I lost the tv remote in my mummy's super messy bed, and it happened.
47.What is your goal for this year?
This question seems to be very popular.
48.Do you believe in eternity love?
49.What feeling do you love most?
That feeling you get when you smile.
50.Do you really think its Global Warming now?
DURH. Why do you think the ice caps are melting, you doofus.
51.What feeling do you hate the most?
52.You like doing quizes?
Well, for the time being, yes.
53.Do you believe in God?
Of course. In fact, he's right next to me now. Haha.
54.Who cares for you most?
55.What do you think is the most important thing in your life?
The future.
56.What will you bring when you fight?
My bokan(wooden sword).
57.What have you done regretted doing in your whole life?
A LOT OF STUFF. Most of them happened this year though. ._.
58.What would you do if nobody cared for you any longer?
Sleep and sleep and sleep.
59.What if your boyfriend/girlfriend two-timed you?
Grab my bokan and do things. :B
60.How do you feel now?
I'm still not sleepy. Useless. =.=
Here we go~
Where was the first time you ever saw the person you like at the moment?
The sad thing is, ..... I can't remember. ):
What's the greatest thing that happened to you today?
I counted to 700 at dunno what AM trying to sleep but it didn't work.
Would you rather get up early or sleep late?
Get up early. Get more 'work' done that way. :P
Tell me what you hate most?
Losing to someone I hate. >:l
What would you change about your life right now?
HAHA. Not telling you. =.=
Would you rather smile over a lie or cry over the truth?
Cry over the truth
What's on your bedroom floor right now?
I dunno. o.o Floor tiles? Or in my case, wooden floor tiles.
When was the last time you had your hair cut?
Some time before the scary exam.
Would you rather be mad or sad?
Does it take a lot to make you cry?
I think so. Oh wait, no. I almost cried a lot of times just by watching Ghost Whisperer. Haha. xD
Whats the best feeling in the world?
Being on TOP. :D Don't you agree? Hee(:
Are your parents strict?
You have no idea..
Name one fear you have?
Paper cuts. Paper cuts!! >.<
Does the thought of marriage scare you?
Nope, not really.
How many kids do you want?
I'd rather not think about that right noww. =.=
What's your favorite color to wear?
BLUE! Jeans, you see. :B
Who was the last person in your bedroom?
Meeeeeeee(siam) Heh.
What were you doing today?
Rotting away at the comforts of my own home. How nice.
Do you get bored easily?
Do you wish at 12am?
No. I predict bloody mary is going to appear in my closet at that time. That's why the closet doors are always closed. (:
When you go to the beach do you swim or play out more?
I play in the sand and build huge imaginary 50 feet tall sand castles! With hundreds of towers and flags and I even make the imaginary bulky soldiers and everything. :D
Who's the last text message you received from?
Mummy, telling me that she and daddy aren't coming home for dindin tonight.
What are you freakishly obsessed with?
Uhh. Obsession arh. Nothing much really. Ghost whisperer? Harvest Moon PSP? I dunno. ._.
What are you listening to right now?
My maid mop the floors. You know, swoosh swoooosh.~
o1. The person who tagged me is?
o2. Your relationship with her/he?
- Friends
o3. Your 5 impressions of her/he?
- Smart, Algebra Professional, Sporty, Confident? Or isit just big ego. Dunno le.
o4. The most memorable thing she/he had for you for?
- Memorable.. =.= She beat me at almost every subject.
o5. If she/he becomes your lover, you will?
- Uhh, don't think that'll ever happen.
o6. If she/he becomes your lover, things she/he has to improve on?
- Bleah
o7. If he/she becomes your enemy, you will?
- Do you really wanna know? :B
o8. What is it you want to tell her/him now?
- Tag me. Lol
o9. Your overall impression of her/him now?
- Uhh.. Nice.
o10. How do you think people around you will feel about you?
- Like they do now?
o11. The characters of yourself you love are?
- Tall. HAHA.
o12. The most ideal person you want to be is?
- Picasso. Or Leonardo Da Vinci
o13. For people that care and likes you, say something to them.
- Peace. V^_^V
Pass this quiz to 10 people you wish to know how they feel about you.
1. SarahAnn
2. Beej
3. Tessa
4. Steph
5. Dawn
6. Uhh. Stephanie JieJie(cousin)
7. Stanford Didi(cousin)
8. Steffi
9. Amanda and
10. Benedict?
o14. Who's no.6 having relationship with?
Lol. Emm, she wants to concentrate on her studies first.
o15. If no.7 and 10 are together, will it be a good thing?
o16. What is no.2 studying about?
Swimming. Haha.
o17. When was the last time you had a chat with no.3?
When school still existed.
o18. What kind of music does no.8 like?
Uhh, not sure.
o19. Does no.1 have any siblings?
o20. Will you woo no.3?
I am fundamentally not interested in that.
o21. How about no.7?
He's my cousin. =.=
o22. Is no. 4 single?
o23. What is the surname of no.5?
o24. What is a hobby of no.10?
Doing weird things to get cash?
o25. Do no.5 and no.9 get along well?
They don't know each other
o26. Where is no.2 studying at?
Methodist Girls' (:
o27. Where does no.9 live?
In Australia~
o28. What colour does no.4 like?
I forgot. She's taking her O's so I haven't talked to her in a while.
o29. What is no.10 doing now?
He's oceans apart =.=
Okay, let's do another one from Steph's blog. (:
1.What have you been doing recently?
Rotting at home. Trying to improve my doodling skillzzz.
2.Do you ever turn your cellphone off?
Sometimes, But usually I forget to the messages swarm in even when I'm napping. Haha. xP
3.What happened at 10am today?
I was cutting brownies in a campsite and rock climbing at the same time in dreamland.
4.When did you last cry?
I can't even remember when.
5.Believe in fate/destiny?
I believe in fate and destiny as much as I believe in my next breath.
6.What do you want in your life now?
A sudden turn of events.
11.Do you tend to make a relationship complicated?
I've never had a relationship. I don't know.
12. Are you wearing anything borrowed from somebody else?
Uhh. PoPo gave me her oversized mickeymouse shirt to sleep in. Is that counted?
13.What was the last movie you caught?
I forgot. It's so long ago~ I can't watch a movie until mummy's concert ends.
14.Does the person know that you like him/her?
I hope not.
15.Who always makes you laugh?
Myself. Haha. (:
16.Do you speak languages other than english?
Shi de.
17.Favourite website(s)?
www.onemanga.com , www.my-corrupted-blog.blogspot.com , www.facebook.com , www.freetetris.org , www.adictinggames.com .
19.What are you doing tomorrow?
Waking up at 2pm.
20.What do you think you are like?
People are stupid to think that they can know what people think of themselves just by asking.
21.Who will you choose to die with?
ALONE. I want to die alone. Preferably in or near some natural environment so that I can decompose and return to the Earth's soil and help the plants(at the same time helping people) even though I'm dead. Instead of being cremated and stored in some pot and put away in a cement corner, a useless, inanimate object, until judgement day arrives. =.=
22.Where have you been today?
I went to the toilet several times. And then to the kitchen to hydrate myself.
23.What game do you play often?
The number game. Or alphabet game with myself. It is rather amusing. Or Harvest Moon on my PSP.
24 .Who are you missing right now?
Mr Sand Man.
25.If you had to chose between a friend and a love, who will you chose?
I'd save the love from the fire and leave the friend in the burning house. LOL. That didn't come out right.
26.What are you doing right now?
Feeling thirsty.
27.Which primary school are you from?
You mean,"Which primary school were you from?"
28.Name 3 colours that you like.
29.What emoticon do you like to show?
30.What is your life to you?
Nothing. YET.
31.If you have something troubling you, what will you do?
Stay at home and distract myself with games and movies and whatever can help me escape from reality, even if it's for a few minutes or so.
32.Who did you last chat with on msn today?
I forgot to log in to MSN today. :X
33 .Who do you admire most?
Leonardo Da Vinci. And all the prodigies of the world, dead or alive.
34 .Which month were you born in?
I'm a JUNE baby. (:
35.How are you feeling right now?
BORED. Entertain me.
36.What is the time now?
1.05 in the morning.
37.What kind of person do you think the one who tagged you is?
I wasn't tagged.
38.What colour did you use to dye hair?
You're an idiot to think that almost everybody in the world dyes their hair. =.=
39.Why are you doing this test?
To pass time and make me sleepy.
40.What do you do when you're moody?
Wasn't this the same question as the 'what do you do if you're troubled' question?
41.At which age you wish to get married?
Woah Woah. Too fast. Too fast.
42.Who is more important to you?
The big person up North. ^ (:
43.If today is the last day of your life, what will you do?
I made a list before. But I'd probably sleep in.
44.Who is the person you trust the most?
Me, Myself and I.
45.Do you believe in seeing a rainbow after a rain?
Yesh. Because the Bible said so.
46.If you have a dream come true, what would it be?
I dreamt once that I lost the tv remote in my mummy's super messy bed, and it happened.
47.What is your goal for this year?
This question seems to be very popular.
48.Do you believe in eternity love?
49.What feeling do you love most?
That feeling you get when you smile.
50.Do you really think its Global Warming now?
DURH. Why do you think the ice caps are melting, you doofus.
51.What feeling do you hate the most?
52.You like doing quizes?
Well, for the time being, yes.
53.Do you believe in God?
Of course. In fact, he's right next to me now. Haha.
54.Who cares for you most?
55.What do you think is the most important thing in your life?
The future.
56.What will you bring when you fight?
My bokan(wooden sword).
57.What have you done regretted doing in your whole life?
A LOT OF STUFF. Most of them happened this year though. ._.
58.What would you do if nobody cared for you any longer?
Sleep and sleep and sleep.
59.What if your boyfriend/girlfriend two-timed you?
Grab my bokan and do things. :B
60.How do you feel now?
I'm still not sleepy. Useless. =.=
Tuesday, 4 November 2008
Double post. I shall do those surveys and post them here. Like Steph. (: Sorry, for copying if you feel angry or anything. :l I'm going to do it anyways. Lol
Here we go - | |
how old are you? | 12 |
did you ever "run away" when you were little? | I locked myself in my room for a couple of hours once. |
how far did you get? | A metre or two. From my dining table to my bedroom. |
do you pick your nose while driving? dont lie!!! | I don't drive and I don't pick my nose in the car. =.= |
your choice: brand new car w/ no payments or brand new house w/ no payments? | Brand new house w/ no payments. (: |
when you put on your socks, do you put them on in a certain order? | MmHmm. Always right one first. |
name a childhood fear that still bothers you from time to time: | The dark. |
mcain, obama or clinton? | O-BA-MA. |
would you sell your soul to the devil if you could have everything you wanted for the rest of your life? | HELL NO. |
relationship issues, keep it to yourself or tell everyone you know? | Bottle it up inside me. (: |
do you really know who you are yet? | No. |
do you lie for a friend or tell the truth to keep your credibility? | I lie. Most of the times when I need to. |
how many questions did you really answer honestly? | All of them. |
Take this survey or other MySpace Surveys at PimpSurveys.com |
Different test:
You are ambitious, driven by your desire to get things done. Type A personalities are characterized by their drive and intense work ethic. You are competitive; you want respect, not affection. You may become irritated when you have to wait on a line or at a red light.
Are you a Type A or a Type B?
You are imaginative, innovative, and intuitive. You enjoy reading, writing, drawing, photography, and playing or listening to music. You exhibit artistic characteristics. You may want to major in Design Arts, Communication, or Music. You may want to be an Art Therapist, Designer, or a Writer.
I did more but couldn't put it on blogger. :l
Whatever I'll go read manga online now.
Happy 170th post! (: There's nothing special about it but, hey, it has a zero in it. So I was like,"Go for it!"
I had a nightmare too. The thing about nightmares for me, is that I am also RUNNING. Running away from something/someone that is going to hurt me or even kill me. Or worse. Like take me apart limb by limb and watch me bleed to death. x.x And they always repeat. Like last night's. I don't know how many freaking times I've dreamt this. >:l I'm pissed now.
Like last time, I was in an apartment. In a cage. And there were other cages around me with animals in them. There was a lady in a kitchen doing something with test tubes and Oh look! My cage door wasn't locked. (: So I got out and took an owl and a rat with me and sneaked out of the apartment. I have no idea why but the pathways were so damn narrow and there was a giant pillar in the apartment that made me walk circles for quite a while before I noticed a door. =.= I sneaked out and ran down the stairs. I remember being really scared. ): I heard the lady shouting and I knew she noticed I was gone. I was so scared I jumped down the second floor and -woah- I landed safely. I ran across the carpark and jumped over the railings and onto the sidewalk. I ran and ran and then- BLACK. "Kimmmmmmm, Wake up!!!!!"
Haha. You have no idea how relieved I was. Last night's, I remembered killing someone. ;X I pushed a lady into the sea. I think it was that wileminia woman from Ugly Betty. Huh. It was pretty though. A giant mansion - maybe even a castle - standing there. A forest with pine trees surrounding it at it's left and several huge rocks protecting it from the waves. MmHmm. It was next to a small beach. (: But the house was still surrounded by grass. And just ahead there was a little pond or lake where sea turtles lived.
Oh wait. Lunch comes first~
-15 minutes later-
Hello. (:
I woke up at 2pm today. (: I woke up because mummy came home early and shook me violently. Lol.
I had a nightmare too. The thing about nightmares for me, is that I am also RUNNING. Running away from something/someone that is going to hurt me or even kill me. Or worse. Like take me apart limb by limb and watch me bleed to death. x.x And they always repeat. Like last night's. I don't know how many freaking times I've dreamt this. >:l I'm pissed now.
Like last time, I was in an apartment. In a cage. And there were other cages around me with animals in them. There was a lady in a kitchen doing something with test tubes and Oh look! My cage door wasn't locked. (: So I got out and took an owl and a rat with me and sneaked out of the apartment. I have no idea why but the pathways were so damn narrow and there was a giant pillar in the apartment that made me walk circles for quite a while before I noticed a door. =.= I sneaked out and ran down the stairs. I remember being really scared. ): I heard the lady shouting and I knew she noticed I was gone. I was so scared I jumped down the second floor and -woah- I landed safely. I ran across the carpark and jumped over the railings and onto the sidewalk. I ran and ran and then- BLACK. "Kimmmmmmm, Wake up!!!!!"
Haha. You have no idea how relieved I was. Last night's, I remembered killing someone. ;X I pushed a lady into the sea. I think it was that wileminia woman from Ugly Betty. Huh. It was pretty though. A giant mansion - maybe even a castle - standing there. A forest with pine trees surrounding it at it's left and several huge rocks protecting it from the waves. MmHmm. It was next to a small beach. (: But the house was still surrounded by grass. And just ahead there was a little pond or lake where sea turtles lived.
BUT there were pirates. Ha Ha. Of course there were pirates. =.= It's a nightmare after all.
Nevermind. I shall now post some pictures.
This is Tim's chubby face.
This is .... retardedly gay.
*You have to tilt your head for this one
I pointed my camera at him and this was like his gut reaction. xD
Enough spamming my brother's ridiculous faces!
-lalalalala- Heehee. He looks cross-eyed xP
Cake (: I nearly had one of everything. LOL
My latest, good doodle. It's not clear but it's the best I could do with the stupid camera.
This is too long le.
Sunday, 2 November 2008
Last two days were pretty okay.
I have A LOT to blog about but I just don't have the time right now. I'm watching Ghost Whisperer. :B
Oh yeah and I was forced fed part of a banana and made to drink a little sparkling ribena. Gross, I tell you. The sparkling part actually made it slightly bitter. >.< Longgg storyy. Which I will post in the near future. So prepare your eyes and the part of your brain that helps you to read. You're gonna need to. ^_^
22 days.
Now it's back to 0. Sigh. 2nd of November.
Gotta remember that.
I have A LOT to blog about but I just don't have the time right now. I'm watching Ghost Whisperer. :B
Oh yeah and I was forced fed part of a banana and made to drink a little sparkling ribena. Gross, I tell you. The sparkling part actually made it slightly bitter. >.< Longgg storyy. Which I will post in the near future. So prepare your eyes and the part of your brain that helps you to read. You're gonna need to. ^_^
22 days.
Now it's back to 0. Sigh. 2nd of November.
Gotta remember that.