Friday, 31 October 2008
Quizzie. (:
1. People who have been tagged must be redo this quiz on their blogs and if they dislike the questions they may change them.
2. Tag 5 people to do this quiz and they cannot refuse.
The person who has been tagged must continue to send it to more people.
1. Do you have secrets?
Hehe. What do you think. >:P
2. Would you fall in love with a boy younger than you?
Well, no. I don't really support this kind of thing.
3. Do you enjoy school?
Yeah, if there's something to look forward to.
4. What would you do with a million dollars?
Assuming I just found this bag of a million dollars on the ground, I would go around and play luckydraw with every person I saw. (:
5. Will you fall in love with any of your guy friends?
You are asking me if I will fall in love with them. How the hell woould I know? I can't see into the future.
6. Which is more blessed, being loved or loving someone?
Loving someone.
7. List out your 15 favourite songs.
I don't like listing out favourites on most things. Only things I am absolutely sure of. (:
8. If the person you liked was attatched, what would you do?
Like only arh? Nothing. If it was stronger, I would definitely do something.
9. Is there anything that has made you extremely happy?
Certain things that just appear out of nowhere.
10. What makes you angry?
Bitches. LOL.
11. How would you see yourself in 10 years?
Falling asleep in a University art studio. (:
12. Who is currently the most important person to you?
There someone somewhere out there. Taking that God is not just a mere person.
13. What are the most important things in life to you?
This is such a difficult question.
14. Would you rather be single and rich or married and poor?
Single and rich. HAHA.
15. What is your favourite colour?
RED. Wanna know why? :B
16. Would you give all of you into a relationship?
Depends on how I see the person.
17. If you fell in love with 2 persons who would you pick?
LOL. I remember when we talked about this in school. I gave a straight answer: The richer one.
18. Would you forgive and forget no matter how bad the person treats you?
Haha. HELL, NO.
19. What do you want to tell the person you like?
Everything, I guess. ._.
20. What kind of person would you fall in love with?
Haha. Hmm, let see. I just thought of a whole list of characteristics and I'm not sharing them with you. (:
5 people to do it:
Eh walao. Everybody I want to do the quiz already got tagged. >:l
Quizzie. (:
1. People who have been tagged must be redo this quiz on their blogs and if they dislike the questions they may change them.
2. Tag 5 people to do this quiz and they cannot refuse.
The person who has been tagged must continue to send it to more people.
1. Do you have secrets?
Hehe. What do you think. >:P
2. Would you fall in love with a boy younger than you?
Well, no. I don't really support this kind of thing.
3. Do you enjoy school?
Yeah, if there's something to look forward to.
4. What would you do with a million dollars?
Assuming I just found this bag of a million dollars on the ground, I would go around and play luckydraw with every person I saw. (:
5. Will you fall in love with any of your guy friends?
You are asking me if I will fall in love with them. How the hell woould I know? I can't see into the future.
6. Which is more blessed, being loved or loving someone?
Loving someone.
7. List out your 15 favourite songs.
I don't like listing out favourites on most things. Only things I am absolutely sure of. (:
8. If the person you liked was attatched, what would you do?
Like only arh? Nothing. If it was stronger, I would definitely do something.
9. Is there anything that has made you extremely happy?
Certain things that just appear out of nowhere.
10. What makes you angry?
Bitches. LOL.
11. How would you see yourself in 10 years?
Falling asleep in a University art studio. (:
12. Who is currently the most important person to you?
There someone somewhere out there. Taking that God is not just a mere person.
13. What are the most important things in life to you?
This is such a difficult question.
14. Would you rather be single and rich or married and poor?
Single and rich. HAHA.
15. What is your favourite colour?
RED. Wanna know why? :B
16. Would you give all of you into a relationship?
Depends on how I see the person.
17. If you fell in love with 2 persons who would you pick?
LOL. I remember when we talked about this in school. I gave a straight answer: The richer one.
18. Would you forgive and forget no matter how bad the person treats you?
Haha. HELL, NO.
19. What do you want to tell the person you like?
Everything, I guess. ._.
20. What kind of person would you fall in love with?
Haha. Hmm, let see. I just thought of a whole list of characteristics and I'm not sharing them with you. (:
5 people to do it:
Eh walao. Everybody I want to do the quiz already got tagged. >:l
Piano lesson was funn. She's very very nice and tolerated with my piano-playing noobness. (: She was also super busy with other kids and all(she was teaching 4 kids at once) so I had a lot of alone time which I absolutely LOVE and NEED.
Oh and she and some parents were going on and on about some theory test tomorrow and I just realized it was the same as Sarah's.
It was a pure theory lesson and time flew by as fast as lightning flashes. Don't believe me when I say I'm not exaggerating. I literally sat there and stared at the booklet infront of me until I understood the system of time signatures inside-out. We didn't play much cos' I took so damn long with my theory and she sort of forgot about it until the last minute. Haha. I think I am going to like piano lessons from now on. I think some unknown and incredibly strong gravitational force just caused the world to rotate in the opposite direction.
I watched three movies today. (: Okay, technically two and a half cos' the bible study people are here now so I had to stop watching. :l Why do they always have to come to our house? =.= Now I have to entertain and tolerate some awkwardly 'guai' kids. The girl who wears polka-dotted dresses. -soul leaves body-
They're freaking lame and I feel like jumping out of my second storey window. >.>
I just found out the Joe Jonas dumped Taylor Swift via PHONE. Forgive my seriously uninformed self for this late realization. He's such a jerk. >:l
Piano lesson was funn. She's very very nice and tolerated with my piano-playing noobness. (: She was also super busy with other kids and all(she was teaching 4 kids at once) so I had a lot of alone time which I absolutely LOVE and NEED.
Oh and she and some parents were going on and on about some theory test tomorrow and I just realized it was the same as Sarah's.
It was a pure theory lesson and time flew by as fast as lightning flashes. Don't believe me when I say I'm not exaggerating. I literally sat there and stared at the booklet infront of me until I understood the system of time signatures inside-out. We didn't play much cos' I took so damn long with my theory and she sort of forgot about it until the last minute. Haha. I think I am going to like piano lessons from now on. I think some unknown and incredibly strong gravitational force just caused the world to rotate in the opposite direction.
I watched three movies today. (: Okay, technically two and a half cos' the bible study people are here now so I had to stop watching. :l Why do they always have to come to our house? =.= Now I have to entertain and tolerate some awkwardly 'guai' kids. The girl who wears polka-dotted dresses. -soul leaves body-
They're freaking lame and I feel like jumping out of my second storey window. >.>
I just found out the Joe Jonas dumped Taylor Swift via PHONE. Forgive my seriously uninformed self for this late realization. He's such a jerk. >:l
OH MY )@(@#*@$()@#!#!^&*@R#!%#)!^*#!@~
My piano lesso is today. !!!!!!
I can die luhz.
Positive points:
1) She seems like a nice person.
2) ...
Negative Points:
1) What is this horrible feeling I have inside of me? :x
2) I haven't played in such a long time so I'm going give her stress and feel suckish all over.
3) I think she has some mental problem or something. She hyperventilates a little and is always looking so nervous. That kinda makes me nervous. AND she was studying ot become a performer, but why isn't she?
4) Another thing on my list to worry about.
You know, last night I couldn't sleep so I started thinking of reasons why I should quit piano. I thought of typing out this WHOLE LETTER to mummy. I'm still debating with myself if I should write it.
I know all the things she will say if I asked her if I would quit and surprisingly the comebacks started to pour into my head. I thought of so many that I think mummy would be absolutely speechless.
But then, of course there are risks.
She might feel like a dumb duck(I just thought of this phrase so don't use it in your compos of any kind). Then it would feel awkward.
She might be impressed. And tell everything to my relatives. They might be impressed or think I'm such a freaking bitch.
She might be absolutely furious. And sentence me to piano lessons five times a week. And ground me for a month. :l Althought that wouldn't be much of a problem since I don't go out much anyways. Would it be shocking to say that mummy has only grounded me once in my entire life so far? Not that I haven't been naughty or anything. Of course I've been naughty. (: She just doesn't punish in that way, I suppose.
Okay uhh. Drop that last subject.
I feel like dying now. ByeBye.
OH MY )@(@#*@$()@#!#!^&*@R#!%#)!^*#!@~
My piano lesso is today. !!!!!!
I can die luhz.
Positive points:
1) She seems like a nice person.
2) ...
Negative Points:
1) What is this horrible feeling I have inside of me? :x
2) I haven't played in such a long time so I'm going give her stress and feel suckish all over.
3) I think she has some mental problem or something. She hyperventilates a little and is always looking so nervous. That kinda makes me nervous. AND she was studying ot become a performer, but why isn't she?
4) Another thing on my list to worry about.
You know, last night I couldn't sleep so I started thinking of reasons why I should quit piano. I thought of typing out this WHOLE LETTER to mummy. I'm still debating with myself if I should write it.
I know all the things she will say if I asked her if I would quit and surprisingly the comebacks started to pour into my head. I thought of so many that I think mummy would be absolutely speechless.
But then, of course there are risks.
She might feel like a dumb duck(I just thought of this phrase so don't use it in your compos of any kind). Then it would feel awkward.
She might be impressed. And tell everything to my relatives. They might be impressed or think I'm such a freaking bitch.
She might be absolutely furious. And sentence me to piano lessons five times a week. And ground me for a month. :l Althought that wouldn't be much of a problem since I don't go out much anyways. Would it be shocking to say that mummy has only grounded me once in my entire life so far? Not that I haven't been naughty or anything. Of course I've been naughty. (: She just doesn't punish in that way, I suppose.
Okay uhh. Drop that last subject.
I feel like dying now. ByeBye.
Wednesday, 29 October 2008
Greetings, fellow brethren and sisterens - mostly sisterens.
I have finally finished downloading Perfect World the game!! Woo~
And now I'm happily sucking on the Gobstoppers I just bought. Tim doesn't like them. Can you believe it?
Perfect world is pretty fun. But it's file is so damn BIG. You know after I finished dowloading the file, I had to extract the information and verify everything again. After that, I had to install the updates which took super long and it kept lagging so I had to restart over and over and pray that it wouldn't stop ever again.
Well, it's finally done and it has no tutorial. Hah. That's just fantastic. I spent like 3 hours figuring out what to do and all and that was when I realized, that I could just google everything. Made me waste 3 hours of my lifespan jsut because they didn't add a damn tutorial. But I guess the googling stuff is helping a lot. And a 'friendly' player called Looloo answer most of my dumb noob-ish questions. I think I asked a damn stupid question so she didn't answer me.
I guess for the convinience of several readers(tessa), I will not post a long post today.
I have soooooooooooo much freaking time.
I have finally finished downloading Perfect World the game!! Woo~
And now I'm happily sucking on the Gobstoppers I just bought. Tim doesn't like them. Can you believe it?
Perfect world is pretty fun. But it's file is so damn BIG. You know after I finished dowloading the file, I had to extract the information and verify everything again. After that, I had to install the updates which took super long and it kept lagging so I had to restart over and over and pray that it wouldn't stop ever again.
Well, it's finally done and it has no tutorial. Hah. That's just fantastic. I spent like 3 hours figuring out what to do and all and that was when I realized, that I could just google everything. Made me waste 3 hours of my lifespan jsut because they didn't add a damn tutorial. But I guess the googling stuff is helping a lot. And a 'friendly' player called Looloo answer most of my dumb noob-ish questions. I think I asked a damn stupid question so she didn't answer me.
I guess for the convinience of several readers(tessa), I will not post a long post today.
I have soooooooooooo much freaking time.
Tuesday, 28 October 2008
I am so damn bored. This is the 501th time I have said this. To myself, not including the few times I've said it to Sarah on msn.
I spent about 2 hours browsing through multiple MMORPG games, hoping that I would get hooked on it for the next few weeks and play it all day long, so I wouldn't have to feel super suckish cos' there's absolutely nothing to do so it makes me think. Like looking at reality right in the face. Movies obviously don't work cos' they're only 1-2 hours and when it's done the credits totally throw axes and ninja stars in my face. And see how quickly I finished the ones I've borrowed. I got tired of my PSP games so they don't work much anymore. I've about finished Zendoku anyways. Books are sort of out of the question since I can't freaking find my Artemis Fowl book and I've already started on it and I can't read another book without finishing the one I've already started on. Like a syndrome. I hate it. The TV shows I like are now gone and I can't watch season three Ugly Betty without watching season two, let alone the damn season finale of season three.
I'm totally stuck and I feel like SHIT. See how I made the word brown? <<< I am that bored.
And I'm -----> <------ close to going phsychologically unwell.
Oh yeah. I picked a game and started downloading it. It was 2 o'clock in the afternoon when I started. Now it's twenty minutes to 8 pm and it's only progressed how much?
Haha. 53%. 53%. 53%. 53%. 53%. 53%. 53%. 53%. 53%. 53%. 53%. 53%. 53%. 53%. 53%. 53%. 53%. 53%. 53%. 53%. 53%. 53%. 53%. 53%. 53%. 53%. 53%. 53%. 53%. 53%. 53%. 53%. 53%. 53%. 53%. 53%. 53%. 53%. 53%. 53%. 53%. 53%. 53%. 53%. 53%. 53%. 53%. 53%. 53%. 53%.
I took half an hour to do that. And guess what? It's still 53%.
Haha. Haha. Okay. That's it. That's it. THAT IS IT. I am going to get some nylon rope and a stool. Oooh~ What am I going to do with it? -lalala- What am I going to do with it.
Maybe I'll go rob a bank and get myself in jail and piss off some gang chief and see what happens.
Or I'll go to the jungle and provoke a big big tiger and become animal kibble.
Oh I know! I'll go skydiving.
Or steal a rifle from the nearest gun shop. And Heaven knows where that is.
Haha. I'm a goner.
I spent about 2 hours browsing through multiple MMORPG games, hoping that I would get hooked on it for the next few weeks and play it all day long, so I wouldn't have to feel super suckish cos' there's absolutely nothing to do so it makes me think. Like looking at reality right in the face. Movies obviously don't work cos' they're only 1-2 hours and when it's done the credits totally throw axes and ninja stars in my face. And see how quickly I finished the ones I've borrowed. I got tired of my PSP games so they don't work much anymore. I've about finished Zendoku anyways. Books are sort of out of the question since I can't freaking find my Artemis Fowl book and I've already started on it and I can't read another book without finishing the one I've already started on. Like a syndrome. I hate it. The TV shows I like are now gone and I can't watch season three Ugly Betty without watching season two, let alone the damn season finale of season three.
I'm totally stuck and I feel like SHIT. See how I made the word brown? <<< I am that bored.
And I'm -----> <------ close to going phsychologically unwell.
Oh yeah. I picked a game and started downloading it. It was 2 o'clock in the afternoon when I started. Now it's twenty minutes to 8 pm and it's only progressed how much?
Haha. 53%. 53%. 53%. 53%. 53%. 53%. 53%. 53%. 53%. 53%. 53%. 53%. 53%. 53%. 53%. 53%. 53%. 53%. 53%. 53%. 53%. 53%. 53%. 53%. 53%. 53%. 53%. 53%. 53%. 53%. 53%. 53%. 53%. 53%. 53%. 53%. 53%. 53%. 53%. 53%. 53%. 53%. 53%. 53%. 53%. 53%. 53%. 53%. 53%. 53%.
I took half an hour to do that. And guess what? It's still 53%.
Haha. Haha. Okay. That's it. That's it. THAT IS IT. I am going to get some nylon rope and a stool. Oooh~ What am I going to do with it? -lalala- What am I going to do with it.
Maybe I'll go rob a bank and get myself in jail and piss off some gang chief and see what happens.
Or I'll go to the jungle and provoke a big big tiger and become animal kibble.
Oh I know! I'll go skydiving.
Or steal a rifle from the nearest gun shop. And Heaven knows where that is.
Haha. I'm a goner.
Monday, 27 October 2008
OH YEAH. I FORGOT TO PUT SOMETHING ON! This is a double-post so you have to read the long post down there too! :B
Look what I found on Facebook~~

Is it too small? If it is, then you can go to Nicolette's facebook and see. Her name is Nicky Yau.
If you can see, it's my p2 class photo on chinese new year celebration!!! I'm at the back(of course=.=).
Mrs Chew is standing at the right and Clarissa is standing right next to her. And then -drumrolllll- It's BJ!!!
Oh and Hasini with her 80's afro hairstyle in the middle. You can't miss it.
Tessa Oh is in there too but you can barely recognize her. And Grace Chua and Joanne and Sara and Ang and Deboarh Wee and Elizabeth Lim and Jolene Sng and some others I can't see.
-lalala- Just wanted to show you guys (:
Oh, hello (:
I just watched 10,000 BC and Jumper. Jumper was pretty - I don't know, slow and fast at the same time? Like the bourne identity. And I don't really like the bourne identity.
10,000 BC was awesome. At first, I thought there would be no dialogue like Wall-E, but surprise surprise - they knew how to speak perfect English. And there was a really good storyline. Problem after problem comes along and they add up the history stuff together althought the timing may not be exactly accurate but it seemed so real! I love it. (: And the Saber Tooth Tiger was so cute. They named the Mammoths, Mannak. I think.
Oh yeah, I broke my book reading record yet again. I read Daniel X in a day. Yes, Bj, I bought Daniel X. (: I never really liked the whole alien-advanced-civilization-starwars concept but it was really good. The alien description really gets your imagination wild. I love his power. To create. (: I want to buy the second one, which is a graphic novel, but mummy says I have to finish reading the other two books I haven't finished yet. :l
So far I have read 3 books!
Okay this post is starting to become this movie/book review criticism shit.
Let's get on with life, shall we?
Tim is currently making weird animal noises. I think it's a Mammoth's call. Maybe he got influenced by 10, 000 BC. I feel like throwing my Rubik's Cube at him. He threw my super lousy quality yoyo against the wall. I didn't do anything about that much since I wanted it to break so that I can buy a better one. My previous yoyo was super nice but ConCon(=.=) broke it.
1) ConCon threw my yoyo on the floor so hard it broke into pieces.
2) Mummy's friend's boys gorged my giant fluffy teddybear's eyes out.
3) Benedict from Australia played with my yo-stick and I don't know how but it broke.
And many many more, I tell you.
See? Sharing is never good. ( I have something about sharing. Me and Tim can't do it for nuts. No joy or whatsoever gained from sharing.)
Now, I'm desperately trying to find my Artemis Fowl book and finish it so I can move on to UnLunDun and then buy my Maximum Ride: Saving the World and other Extreme Sports and Daniel X: Alien Hunter the graphic novel. If you're lost, I don't blame you. I think it's rather long-winded too so it doesn't matter.
I want to go to the video shop again. We already finished all the movies we borrowed. Within three days. Amazing, compared to the previous time when we borrowed a ton of their CDs for about a month. Laugh Laugh Laugh.
They really can't blame us since their new operating hours are so inconvenient for us. They freaking close at 8pm every week day. And weekends are all for errands which I HATE doing, by the way. Not that that changes anything, my parents don't read my blog anyway(THANK GOD, thankfully).
Okay. It's been fun posting this rather long post. I would have typed more if I hadn't realized how small the scrollbar on the left has become. Shit. It just got smaller. Alright, bye.
I just watched 10,000 BC and Jumper. Jumper was pretty - I don't know, slow and fast at the same time? Like the bourne identity. And I don't really like the bourne identity.
10,000 BC was awesome. At first, I thought there would be no dialogue like Wall-E, but surprise surprise - they knew how to speak perfect English. And there was a really good storyline. Problem after problem comes along and they add up the history stuff together althought the timing may not be exactly accurate but it seemed so real! I love it. (: And the Saber Tooth Tiger was so cute. They named the Mammoths, Mannak. I think.
Oh yeah, I broke my book reading record yet again. I read Daniel X in a day. Yes, Bj, I bought Daniel X. (: I never really liked the whole alien-advanced-civilization-starwars concept but it was really good. The alien description really gets your imagination wild. I love his power. To create. (: I want to buy the second one, which is a graphic novel, but mummy says I have to finish reading the other two books I haven't finished yet. :l
So far I have read 3 books!
Okay this post is starting to become this movie/book review criticism shit.
Let's get on with life, shall we?
Tim is currently making weird animal noises. I think it's a Mammoth's call. Maybe he got influenced by 10, 000 BC. I feel like throwing my Rubik's Cube at him. He threw my super lousy quality yoyo against the wall. I didn't do anything about that much since I wanted it to break so that I can buy a better one. My previous yoyo was super nice but ConCon(=.=) broke it.
1) ConCon threw my yoyo on the floor so hard it broke into pieces.
2) Mummy's friend's boys gorged my giant fluffy teddybear's eyes out.
3) Benedict from Australia played with my yo-stick and I don't know how but it broke.
And many many more, I tell you.
See? Sharing is never good. ( I have something about sharing. Me and Tim can't do it for nuts. No joy or whatsoever gained from sharing.)
Now, I'm desperately trying to find my Artemis Fowl book and finish it so I can move on to UnLunDun and then buy my Maximum Ride: Saving the World and other Extreme Sports and Daniel X: Alien Hunter the graphic novel. If you're lost, I don't blame you. I think it's rather long-winded too so it doesn't matter.
I want to go to the video shop again. We already finished all the movies we borrowed. Within three days. Amazing, compared to the previous time when we borrowed a ton of their CDs for about a month. Laugh Laugh Laugh.
They really can't blame us since their new operating hours are so inconvenient for us. They freaking close at 8pm every week day. And weekends are all for errands which I HATE doing, by the way. Not that that changes anything, my parents don't read my blog anyway(THANK GOD, thankfully).
Okay. It's been fun posting this rather long post. I would have typed more if I hadn't realized how small the scrollbar on the left has become. Shit. It just got smaller. Alright, bye.
Sunday, 26 October 2008
Hello, friends.
Went to watch Tim's school concerto~ last night. It was so funny at parts. ConCon's (baby cousin. Although his size doesn't support that very much) dance was like the funniest out of all the rest. He was a duckie! And he's like the tallest of his class. He's as tall as Tim even though he's a year younger. Or maybe that's because Tim is small for his age. Ah whatever.
Anyways, Con was so freaking cute. Just before they started dancing, he stuck his head out of the side of the stage to look for us. Then of course he found us since MaiMai was waving her hands frantically like a lunatic. =.= Then, he popped back in and then the children poured through the doors.
First half was okay. Then suddenly, ConCon started to scratch his behind and down there. LOL. And repeated for a few times more. :x Then at another point during the dance, he felt tired at gave up. So he just stood there for a few seconds. We saw some armsof teachers waving like mad and ConCon saw so he decided to dance again. But reluctantly.
Tim's was okay. Nothing special. Just lots of broken pink umbrellas, that's all. Don't ask why.
After the concert, we wanted to go out and eat supper but Uncle Clement was already helping himself to the refreshments downstairs so we were like,"Whatever, let's eat here."
Then it was Island Creamery! I saw so many nice drawings at the back of the place and realized that drawing was such a common talent. Sigh. ):
PoPo was supposed to have a free ice cream but we paid before we realized. LOL.
The stupid recession mood has totally sunken into my whole family. All they talk about is the damn recession and how we'll have to cut costs and how Iceland is now officially bankrupt and how Asia is having recession too because of the American banks giving away loans to people who have no means of paying them back. Whoops. Talked too much.
Oh yeah. Did I tell you? Mummy told me I only have cold smiles and no warm smiles at all.
Tim's teacher saw me and mummy, being my parent who enjoys showing off and all, told her I was only twelve. OH YEAH. Another thing I have to - have to tell you all. Later. Anyways, the teacher got a second closer look at me and whacked me on the arm quite violently and said,"How could you only be twelve??" I smiled slightly and stopped myself from twitching. She walked away and mummy told me the above line. =.=
This is the other thing I needed to tell you guys:
The only reason why popo keeps nagging at me, you know, like hunching is bad for your back, don't sit so close to the television, it's bad for your eyes, etc. It wasn't because it was for my health. It's because she loves showing off her grandchildren to other elderly folk species of her kind. And it was so that we could remain looking pretty and handsome repectively. =.= Like, to show off that her grandchildren are all smart and beautiful and what not. =.=""""
Liang Yao Ku Kou my ass.
PS: We are going to a hawker centre for dinner tonight. o.o
Went to watch Tim's school concerto~ last night. It was so funny at parts. ConCon's (baby cousin. Although his size doesn't support that very much) dance was like the funniest out of all the rest. He was a duckie! And he's like the tallest of his class. He's as tall as Tim even though he's a year younger. Or maybe that's because Tim is small for his age. Ah whatever.
Anyways, Con was so freaking cute. Just before they started dancing, he stuck his head out of the side of the stage to look for us. Then of course he found us since MaiMai was waving her hands frantically like a lunatic. =.= Then, he popped back in and then the children poured through the doors.
First half was okay. Then suddenly, ConCon started to scratch his behind and down there. LOL. And repeated for a few times more. :x Then at another point during the dance, he felt tired at gave up. So he just stood there for a few seconds. We saw some armsof teachers waving like mad and ConCon saw so he decided to dance again. But reluctantly.
Tim's was okay. Nothing special. Just lots of broken pink umbrellas, that's all. Don't ask why.
After the concert, we wanted to go out and eat supper but Uncle Clement was already helping himself to the refreshments downstairs so we were like,"Whatever, let's eat here."
Then it was Island Creamery! I saw so many nice drawings at the back of the place and realized that drawing was such a common talent. Sigh. ):
PoPo was supposed to have a free ice cream but we paid before we realized. LOL.
The stupid recession mood has totally sunken into my whole family. All they talk about is the damn recession and how we'll have to cut costs and how Iceland is now officially bankrupt and how Asia is having recession too because of the American banks giving away loans to people who have no means of paying them back. Whoops. Talked too much.
Oh yeah. Did I tell you? Mummy told me I only have cold smiles and no warm smiles at all.
Tim's teacher saw me and mummy, being my parent who enjoys showing off and all, told her I was only twelve. OH YEAH. Another thing I have to - have to tell you all. Later. Anyways, the teacher got a second closer look at me and whacked me on the arm quite violently and said,"How could you only be twelve??" I smiled slightly and stopped myself from twitching. She walked away and mummy told me the above line. =.=
This is the other thing I needed to tell you guys:
The only reason why popo keeps nagging at me, you know, like hunching is bad for your back, don't sit so close to the television, it's bad for your eyes, etc. It wasn't because it was for my health. It's because she loves showing off her grandchildren to other elderly folk species of her kind. And it was so that we could remain looking pretty and handsome repectively. =.= Like, to show off that her grandchildren are all smart and beautiful and what not. =.=""""
Liang Yao Ku Kou my ass.
PS: We are going to a hawker centre for dinner tonight. o.o
Friday, 24 October 2008
Today was unbearable.
Had to wake up at 8 am!!!!! Just to follow mummy to some Community Centre and help her carry super heavy bags of costumes and props which, at the end of the day, left my hand with not one, but four blisters on each hand. I didn't even do anything at the hall. I just sat at one corner and watched how stressed the rehearsal(for her school concert) was making the grups(grownups(:) since I left my PSP in the car. I forgot to bring my spectacles along so everything was a blur, both literally and mentally. Since I was so tired and all. I scanned the whole hall and memorized who was who according to their hair styles and sizes. (:
I noticed how the people from the childcare and kindergarten referred to each other. The other side. They didn't mean it in a skeptical way. It was just a little joke. Unless it was a mean one. :l Hmm. Whatever.
After what seemed like 500 eternities, we were finally in the car and off to our next destination. (: Sadly, it was not home. It was lunch. In an airconditioned german restaraunt, due to mummy's request. I had my beef goulash soup and fried potatoes and onions, so I was pretty much satisfied. (:
After that, we went to mummy's kindergarten to drop off the hi-fi set. And also to stop to change Tim to his kindergarten(Gracefields. Tim will be damn smart next time. He has extra education!!!) costume for their concert rehearsal. Hmm. It's that time of season, eh? I watched as mummy slobbered his face with foundation powder and painted his lips a light red. It was really for nothing though, cos' later it got wiped off when he drank water and ate sandwhiches and his teachers redid his lips with a bright chilli-red. And apparently, some kids chose not to put on lipstick so it was actually an option.
Sat in another hall for another 10, 000 lifetimes cos' the teacher asked mummy to take care of some class while she looked after the afternoon class. ... I can't believe I have to do this again next year. And again and again for the next third of my life, thanks to mummy's children-places.
And all day long, there was a stupid woodpecker pecking my brain non-stop with its super strong beak, a champion boxer punching the vital organ over and over again so as to make it hit against the walls of my skull and a mini Kobe Bryant dribbling the massive bunch of grey cells against my soon-about-to-explode head.
I apologize for the extremely long-winded rant up there. ^ I was just trying to put as much pissed-offness into every single word as possible.
Oh and daddy is coming back from China tonight. I have to go out again to fetch him from who-knows-what terminal. He hasn't even told us yet. Just 7.45 on the button, he said.
Honestly, he's been gone so often lately that I'm not even affected much by his 2 week-long absence. It just passed by so quickly that I didn't even notice. I didn't even know he was gone for 2 weeks until mummy told me. It was only supposed to be a 10 day long trip but it's become about 14. He owes me three weeks allowance, damn it! Which is ... - 60 dollars! >:l
I just realized I wouldn't get anymore allowance until next year. Aw mann. No more money. Oh wait, I still get the thousand bucks popo promised me. Okay. That is, if I get 250 or above. :l Raaaah. I don't want to work for 5 hours only to get 2 dollars at the end of the day like I did last year again. Definite waste of time, I tell you.
I'm about to go nag at daddy for my money now. I bet he's going to stall but that would only work for a minute or two. I wonder if he knows my blog. Hmm.
Had to wake up at 8 am!!!!! Just to follow mummy to some Community Centre and help her carry super heavy bags of costumes and props which, at the end of the day, left my hand with not one, but four blisters on each hand. I didn't even do anything at the hall. I just sat at one corner and watched how stressed the rehearsal(for her school concert) was making the grups(grownups(:) since I left my PSP in the car. I forgot to bring my spectacles along so everything was a blur, both literally and mentally. Since I was so tired and all. I scanned the whole hall and memorized who was who according to their hair styles and sizes. (:
I noticed how the people from the childcare and kindergarten referred to each other. The other side. They didn't mean it in a skeptical way. It was just a little joke. Unless it was a mean one. :l Hmm. Whatever.
After what seemed like 500 eternities, we were finally in the car and off to our next destination. (: Sadly, it was not home. It was lunch. In an airconditioned german restaraunt, due to mummy's request. I had my beef goulash soup and fried potatoes and onions, so I was pretty much satisfied. (:
After that, we went to mummy's kindergarten to drop off the hi-fi set. And also to stop to change Tim to his kindergarten(Gracefields. Tim will be damn smart next time. He has extra education!!!) costume for their concert rehearsal. Hmm. It's that time of season, eh? I watched as mummy slobbered his face with foundation powder and painted his lips a light red. It was really for nothing though, cos' later it got wiped off when he drank water and ate sandwhiches and his teachers redid his lips with a bright chilli-red. And apparently, some kids chose not to put on lipstick so it was actually an option.
Sat in another hall for another 10, 000 lifetimes cos' the teacher asked mummy to take care of some class while she looked after the afternoon class. ... I can't believe I have to do this again next year. And again and again for the next third of my life, thanks to mummy's children-places.
And all day long, there was a stupid woodpecker pecking my brain non-stop with its super strong beak, a champion boxer punching the vital organ over and over again so as to make it hit against the walls of my skull and a mini Kobe Bryant dribbling the massive bunch of grey cells against my soon-about-to-explode head.
I apologize for the extremely long-winded rant up there. ^ I was just trying to put as much pissed-offness into every single word as possible.
Oh and daddy is coming back from China tonight. I have to go out again to fetch him from who-knows-what terminal. He hasn't even told us yet. Just 7.45 on the button, he said.
Honestly, he's been gone so often lately that I'm not even affected much by his 2 week-long absence. It just passed by so quickly that I didn't even notice. I didn't even know he was gone for 2 weeks until mummy told me. It was only supposed to be a 10 day long trip but it's become about 14. He owes me three weeks allowance, damn it! Which is ... - 60 dollars! >:l
I just realized I wouldn't get anymore allowance until next year. Aw mann. No more money. Oh wait, I still get the thousand bucks popo promised me. Okay. That is, if I get 250 or above. :l Raaaah. I don't want to work for 5 hours only to get 2 dollars at the end of the day like I did last year again. Definite waste of time, I tell you.
I'm about to go nag at daddy for my money now. I bet he's going to stall but that would only work for a minute or two. I wonder if he knows my blog. Hmm.
Wednesday, 22 October 2008
FINALLY. The graduation party(partay=.=) is over. It was so boring.
Sing songs, play 'games'(games are supposed to be fun. Not fun >:l), listen to some ridiculous prize giving shit and then FOOD. Food is good (: Food was the only nice part. Although it wasn't even that tasty. I didn't eat recess or lunch so it was fulfilling.
I planned to play my PSP during the party but before I knew it, no more battery. ):
At least I did get something for going. WoofWoof the bear! (: I didn't know what sounds bears make so I decided to name it after an animal sound I did know. :D
Mummy is baking cookies now. I was supposed to help but my eyelids were sealed shut by the time I reached home. She's already made like 5 batches I think. If you want some.... go buy it tomorrow. Haha (:
Well, I'll try to bring some of my own. And share.
I. Am. Going. To. Sleep. Now.
Sing songs, play 'games'(games are supposed to be fun. Not fun >:l), listen to some ridiculous prize giving shit and then FOOD. Food is good (: Food was the only nice part. Although it wasn't even that tasty. I didn't eat recess or lunch so it was fulfilling.
I planned to play my PSP during the party but before I knew it, no more battery. ):
At least I did get something for going. WoofWoof the bear! (: I didn't know what sounds bears make so I decided to name it after an animal sound I did know. :D
Mummy is baking cookies now. I was supposed to help but my eyelids were sealed shut by the time I reached home. She's already made like 5 batches I think. If you want some.... go buy it tomorrow. Haha (:
Well, I'll try to bring some of my own. And share.
I. Am. Going. To. Sleep. Now.
Sunday, 19 October 2008
Found this link in a chainmail, pretty good. It's super funny.
Turn on your speakers! (:
Hehe (:
Today, I woke up with sores and aches all over my body. Nope, it wasn't those 'the birds are singing' (I have never heard a real bird sing before. Have you? They just seem to be squeaking their voiceboxes away) , 'the sun is shining through the glass window into your pretty bedroom' or 'aahhh. That was a nice dream' kind of mornings. It was: 'Oh it's morning. Ow. Ow. Ouch!' Awesome right?
Didn't go to church cos' Tim seems to be pretty sick. How this has to do with church attendence, I do not know. Went out to eat lunch at Bugis Junction (I assume so because there was a poster stuck on the bottom of an escalater saying 'something something BUGIS JUNCTION something something'. I ate xiaolongbao(: So it was a good lunch.
Mummy dragged me along to buy some stupid Halloween costumes for her school things and it was horrible. Not only had she made me choose some stupid hat to match with some stupid suit for a boy (it sucked bad for me cos I have no sense of fashion. Well, I think so.), I had to stand in the middle of a ginormous toy store and control myself from looking at the soft toys. For if I do, there is going to be a stupid war in my mind that's probably going to kill many of my innocent braincells. Probably like this:
Dog? Bear? Oh look a giraffe! No, it's eyes are totally disgusting.
"Kiiiiimmm! Come help me choose the costumes!!!!!!"
Oh crap! Look at that polar bear!! Oh damn it, it's 49.95.
"Come here and help me nowwww!!! No to all the soft toys!"
This will be followed by several hours of depression. I think I'll pass on that, thank you.
It also gave me this very bad impression of toy stores. Especially Toys R us. Man, I hope I don't get sued for this. Are any of your parents/relatives police officers, lawyers or employees of Toys R Us? ;X I hope not. Well, I'm going on anyways.
I will never ever ever want to work in a toy store as big as Toys R Us. If I have to hear the high-pitched and deafening screams and cries of little children every single workday of my life, just to earn a few hundred dollars a month, I would probably resort to a life of crime. Not to mention the strong stench of rubber everywhere I go during halloeween season. Disgusting masks and what not. Ugh.
This conversation just happened a few minutes ago:
"Hey mum, I bet I'm not allowed to skip school tomorrow huh?" -opens a can of coke-
Lol. It may seem funny but, it's actually a very very tragic story. On my vantage point, of course.
**Added: There's no school anyways. Lol. Whoops xP
Found this link in a chainmail, pretty good. It's super funny.
Turn on your speakers! (:
Hehe (:
Today, I woke up with sores and aches all over my body. Nope, it wasn't those 'the birds are singing' (I have never heard a real bird sing before. Have you? They just seem to be squeaking their voiceboxes away) , 'the sun is shining through the glass window into your pretty bedroom' or 'aahhh. That was a nice dream' kind of mornings. It was: 'Oh it's morning. Ow. Ow. Ouch!' Awesome right?
Didn't go to church cos' Tim seems to be pretty sick. How this has to do with church attendence, I do not know. Went out to eat lunch at Bugis Junction (I assume so because there was a poster stuck on the bottom of an escalater saying 'something something BUGIS JUNCTION something something'. I ate xiaolongbao(: So it was a good lunch.
Mummy dragged me along to buy some stupid Halloween costumes for her school things and it was horrible. Not only had she made me choose some stupid hat to match with some stupid suit for a boy (it sucked bad for me cos I have no sense of fashion. Well, I think so.), I had to stand in the middle of a ginormous toy store and control myself from looking at the soft toys. For if I do, there is going to be a stupid war in my mind that's probably going to kill many of my innocent braincells. Probably like this:
Dog? Bear? Oh look a giraffe! No, it's eyes are totally disgusting.
"Kiiiiimmm! Come help me choose the costumes!!!!!!"
Oh crap! Look at that polar bear!! Oh damn it, it's 49.95.
"Come here and help me nowwww!!! No to all the soft toys!"
This will be followed by several hours of depression. I think I'll pass on that, thank you.
It also gave me this very bad impression of toy stores. Especially Toys R us. Man, I hope I don't get sued for this. Are any of your parents/relatives police officers, lawyers or employees of Toys R Us? ;X I hope not. Well, I'm going on anyways.
I will never ever ever want to work in a toy store as big as Toys R Us. If I have to hear the high-pitched and deafening screams and cries of little children every single workday of my life, just to earn a few hundred dollars a month, I would probably resort to a life of crime. Not to mention the strong stench of rubber everywhere I go during halloeween season. Disgusting masks and what not. Ugh.
This conversation just happened a few minutes ago:
"Hey mum, I bet I'm not allowed to skip school tomorrow huh?" -opens a can of coke-
Lol. It may seem funny but, it's actually a very very tragic story. On my vantage point, of course.
**Added: There's no school anyways. Lol. Whoops xP
Saturday, 18 October 2008
Hello (: Guess what. No. don't answer that. I'm going to tell you now.
Mummy is making me have early piano lessons, whether I like it or not. She sooo agreed during December and now she's backing out of the deal! Damn.
Oh and somehow, mosquitoes have changed their cuisine and have settled that my blood is their favourite.
Yesterday, I followed mummy to her kindergarten to see their rehearsal thing for mummy's concert. I had to go cos' mummy needs help with the props and the kids are all too young and stupid to remember what to hold. Tim is doing the background by the way. When I heard that, I thought he was going to dress as a rock or something at the back. But he just holds and waves some materials on a stick. Hmm.
When I got there, I saw many many weird faces. And a down syndrome kid. Well, he was innocent. But some were really, really obnoxious. And noisy. And screachy. And disgusting. And their all too freaking friendly. Do you know how many of them stared at me when I was doodling in a corner? Especially that downie. But he's really innocent so I didn't mind him.
One kid named Vanessa walked up to me and stared. She's like the most obnoxious and loud and screachy and friendly among all of them. Ugh.
"Hi. My name is Vanessa."
-Glanced at her for a second then continued doodling-"Mmm."
"I'm six years old" -holds up 5 fingers- LOL -realizes and holds up 6-
-realizes that she wants to make friends with me-
-sticks her nose up and smiles-
"Mummy! I'm thirsty!" -runs away-
It was really scary. Ugh. Gives me the chills just thinking about it. You may think I'm really mean right now. Well, whatever. I don't really like children much.
So after that, mummy brought us to eat lunch and then said,"Eh, after this you got a piano trial." I was like, "WHAAAATT?!" >:l
The teacher was super busy. And she's from Indonesia. (: And she's super pro at piano. Award this, award that. First place this, first place that. Really, really good. I read the piece of paper she handed us. If she didn't look so nice, you would think that she was showing off.
She lead us to this little soundproof room with a piano and stacks of papers untidily piled up in one corner. Awesome. I'm not alone in this world. She was totally hyperventilating. Her face was like red. She told me to do sight reading first. Totally couldn't read the first notes. So we skipped that. Theory, hehe. I didn't even do the first grade. So we'll have to do grade 1 all the way to grade 5 by the end of next year. Well, at least, try to. Can't do grade 6 practical without passing grade 5 theory. Gosh, I think Bj is lost at this point. Haha. I probably can't do sight reading for nuts cos' I didn't do theory.
TIM IS JOINING TOO! (: And he says he also wants to join violin(Which I would totally prefer to piano) and aikido. Haha. (: I warned him he would regret it but he denied it. Hoho. I can't wait to say 'I TOLD YOU SO' in his face when he grows a few years older. But then again, he might be some prodigy and pass everything with no effort. (And die early like all those other prodigies do. ;X)
I also noticed that when mummy and daddy sms each other, they're surprisingly cute. Gosh, I can't even believe I'm saying/typing this. Mummy uses 'hehe'. O.O Daddy uses all those faces with the brackets and what not. Oh yes!
I've decided to run off to Shanghai for one, two weeks. (: Don't worry, I won't miss the graduation party. =.= It'll be in November. Daddy has a free apartment there from his company. These few months he'll be going to Shanghai for a few weeks. And he complained to mummy that he was dying of boredom(OMG another line which I never thought he would use) so he wants me, mummy, tim and popo to fly over there and keep him company. Sounds a little selfish but I don't care. I want to go.
There's an internet cable there, but no computer. So mummy is letting me bring her laptop. (: I just have to try to download messenger on to it. And I think I forgot how. Oh wells. (:
Mummy is making me have early piano lessons, whether I like it or not. She sooo agreed during December and now she's backing out of the deal! Damn.
Oh and somehow, mosquitoes have changed their cuisine and have settled that my blood is their favourite.
Yesterday, I followed mummy to her kindergarten to see their rehearsal thing for mummy's concert. I had to go cos' mummy needs help with the props and the kids are all too young and stupid to remember what to hold. Tim is doing the background by the way. When I heard that, I thought he was going to dress as a rock or something at the back. But he just holds and waves some materials on a stick. Hmm.
When I got there, I saw many many weird faces. And a down syndrome kid. Well, he was innocent. But some were really, really obnoxious. And noisy. And screachy. And disgusting. And their all too freaking friendly. Do you know how many of them stared at me when I was doodling in a corner? Especially that downie. But he's really innocent so I didn't mind him.
One kid named Vanessa walked up to me and stared. She's like the most obnoxious and loud and screachy and friendly among all of them. Ugh.
"Hi. My name is Vanessa."
-Glanced at her for a second then continued doodling-"Mmm."
"I'm six years old" -holds up 5 fingers- LOL -realizes and holds up 6-
-realizes that she wants to make friends with me-
-sticks her nose up and smiles-
"Mummy! I'm thirsty!" -runs away-
It was really scary. Ugh. Gives me the chills just thinking about it. You may think I'm really mean right now. Well, whatever. I don't really like children much.
So after that, mummy brought us to eat lunch and then said,"Eh, after this you got a piano trial." I was like, "WHAAAATT?!" >:l
The teacher was super busy. And she's from Indonesia. (: And she's super pro at piano. Award this, award that. First place this, first place that. Really, really good. I read the piece of paper she handed us. If she didn't look so nice, you would think that she was showing off.
She lead us to this little soundproof room with a piano and stacks of papers untidily piled up in one corner. Awesome. I'm not alone in this world. She was totally hyperventilating. Her face was like red. She told me to do sight reading first. Totally couldn't read the first notes. So we skipped that. Theory, hehe. I didn't even do the first grade. So we'll have to do grade 1 all the way to grade 5 by the end of next year. Well, at least, try to. Can't do grade 6 practical without passing grade 5 theory. Gosh, I think Bj is lost at this point. Haha. I probably can't do sight reading for nuts cos' I didn't do theory.
TIM IS JOINING TOO! (: And he says he also wants to join violin(Which I would totally prefer to piano) and aikido. Haha. (: I warned him he would regret it but he denied it. Hoho. I can't wait to say 'I TOLD YOU SO' in his face when he grows a few years older. But then again, he might be some prodigy and pass everything with no effort. (And die early like all those other prodigies do. ;X)
I also noticed that when mummy and daddy sms each other, they're surprisingly cute. Gosh, I can't even believe I'm saying/typing this. Mummy uses 'hehe'. O.O Daddy uses all those faces with the brackets and what not. Oh yes!
I've decided to run off to Shanghai for one, two weeks. (: Don't worry, I won't miss the graduation party. =.= It'll be in November. Daddy has a free apartment there from his company. These few months he'll be going to Shanghai for a few weeks. And he complained to mummy that he was dying of boredom(OMG another line which I never thought he would use) so he wants me, mummy, tim and popo to fly over there and keep him company. Sounds a little selfish but I don't care. I want to go.
There's an internet cable there, but no computer. So mummy is letting me bring her laptop. (: I just have to try to download messenger on to it. And I think I forgot how. Oh wells. (:
Thursday, 16 October 2008
It felt good to disappear for one whole day. (: Except at one point in the evening, I forgot I was disappearing for a day and replied some messages. Lol
So my brother came home today, with another really nice drawing. It's really good for a 5 year old. Maybe he's slowly turning into a genius who's good at everything. Great. That's exactly what I need. Another smartass in the family. It just feels like I'm going to be overshadowed again. And he's probably going to rub it in my face when he grows older. I am never going to be the best at anything. Yeah, Yeah. You don't need to be the best if you're good at something. Well, that doesn't include me. It doesn't work for me. I still feel like this kid who's trying to make it in life and actually be noticed for what she's best at but is always behind somebody else who's better. I know I should be happy for my brother, but I'm not. I'm barely happy for anyone. Except for maybe one, two people. Because I'm a selfish, spoiled brat. I feel like such a schmuck.
One day, I'm going to get trampled on by millions and gazillions of people who are five hundred and one times better than me in every way possible.
So my brother came home today, with another really nice drawing. It's really good for a 5 year old. Maybe he's slowly turning into a genius who's good at everything. Great. That's exactly what I need. Another smartass in the family. It just feels like I'm going to be overshadowed again. And he's probably going to rub it in my face when he grows older. I am never going to be the best at anything. Yeah, Yeah. You don't need to be the best if you're good at something. Well, that doesn't include me. It doesn't work for me. I still feel like this kid who's trying to make it in life and actually be noticed for what she's best at but is always behind somebody else who's better. I know I should be happy for my brother, but I'm not. I'm barely happy for anyone. Except for maybe one, two people. Because I'm a selfish, spoiled brat. I feel like such a schmuck.
One day, I'm going to get trampled on by millions and gazillions of people who are five hundred and one times better than me in every way possible.
Monday, 13 October 2008
Alright, I predict that this is going to be a very long post. So, if you're in any of these situations, I suggest you do not read the post. Yet. Of course. THE CATEGORIES ARE: In a rush to go out, your mom is nagging at you to eat your dinner at the table nowww, for some certain reason your life is on the line and you only have a day left to live(I swear if you waste that day on this stupid blog, I will make you die 23 hours earlier).
Okay, let's begin shall we? (:
That night, whole family (except daddy. Gets excused cos he's on a business trip.. He's probably somewhere golfing and having fun. Damn, he owes me chocolate. AND LAST WEEK'S ALLOWANCE. Oh my gosh, I am going to MURDER him.) was forced by popo to go to my auntie's wedding an hour early. For what reason? I don't know. Why I had to come along? I don't know. Why did they need me there? Wait for it - I don't know.
Nevermind. Before that, I followed mummy to ditch Tim at chinese class and run off to Borders. :B Lol. If you don't think that sentence was weird, read it 10 times over. Hahaha. I bought four thick thick books and went to check out the Ipod nanos. They look so freaking awesome. I asked mummy if I could have the red one and she said I can use the money from popo(hopefully, I'll really get the money and all my dreams will come true) and buy one. (: I'm not sure what's gonna happen to the Ipod classic. Hmm.. Maybe mummy will keep it.
Was forced by popo(again. Not surprising. Heh.) to go to my uncle's son's birthday dinner. I have not a clue which uncle it was but it doesn't matter. Popo always tells me what to call them beforehand. His son is called Shen! (: Damn cute, I tell you. Anyways, they brought us to a kopitiam. Lol. It was huge, though. And lots and lots of angmos were there as well, with their girlfriends of course. =.= No, sorry, let me correct that. With their Asian girlfriends with overdone makeup and probably with boob jobs as well. Okay, moving on.
The food wasn't so bad but nothing special either. After that, we went over to my uncle's house and had cake. (: The cake had the chocolate crunchy ball stuffz in it like the ones from island creamery. (: So it was pretty nice. It was pretty amusing watching ShenShen(Yes, ShenShen) play "bowling". Haha. The plastic set. And hearing all the ehhing and woah-ohing was kind of funny. It didn't matter if ShenShen missed or not(and I'll let you know, he missed A LOT), everybody would say 'yaaaaayyyyyeee' anyways.
Church was okay. We had lesson in the canteen, the part with the picnic tables. (: Well, I wouldn't call it a lesson really, we didn't learn anything. Hahaha. All we did was play pick up sticks. But it was the giant version. With sticks the length of my arms. Yeah, it's long. LOL. xPxPxP
And they made me take an order for McDonalds and I had no idea that we were going to eat it now. Then, when the delivery guy came, I said,"Oh." Lol. I stole a coke from some guy in my sunday school class.
"Eh, where the hell is my coke? Who took my coke?"
"Uhh. Oh, I think I have to go now. My mum is waiting for me." -grabs burger and runs off-
Hahaha. Oh and I read a 468 page novel in two days. (: I just set a new record in The Great Big Book of KimFoo's Records. (: Supposing I had one. I had broken the previous 3 day record I set last year, when I read Twilight. Haha.
I PONNED SCHOOL. (: -lalalala-
The End(:
If you have read this far, you truly truly deserve a rabbit sweet. (: But I still don't have one. And even if I did, I wouldn't give it to you or I'll have a whole bunch of friends running around with kidney stones. choichoichoichoichoi.
I don't care if you need to eat 24 rabbit sweets a day to get a freaking kidney stone. =.=
Okay, let's begin shall we? (:
That night, whole family (except daddy. Gets excused cos he's on a business trip.. He's probably somewhere golfing and having fun. Damn, he owes me chocolate. AND LAST WEEK'S ALLOWANCE. Oh my gosh, I am going to MURDER him.) was forced by popo to go to my auntie's wedding an hour early. For what reason? I don't know. Why I had to come along? I don't know. Why did they need me there? Wait for it - I don't know.
Nevermind. Before that, I followed mummy to ditch Tim at chinese class and run off to Borders. :B Lol. If you don't think that sentence was weird, read it 10 times over. Hahaha. I bought four thick thick books and went to check out the Ipod nanos. They look so freaking awesome. I asked mummy if I could have the red one and she said I can use the money from popo(hopefully, I'll really get the money and all my dreams will come true) and buy one. (: I'm not sure what's gonna happen to the Ipod classic. Hmm.. Maybe mummy will keep it.
Was forced by popo(again. Not surprising. Heh.) to go to my uncle's son's birthday dinner. I have not a clue which uncle it was but it doesn't matter. Popo always tells me what to call them beforehand. His son is called Shen! (: Damn cute, I tell you. Anyways, they brought us to a kopitiam. Lol. It was huge, though. And lots and lots of angmos were there as well, with their girlfriends of course. =.= No, sorry, let me correct that. With their Asian girlfriends with overdone makeup and probably with boob jobs as well. Okay, moving on.
The food wasn't so bad but nothing special either. After that, we went over to my uncle's house and had cake. (: The cake had the chocolate crunchy ball stuffz in it like the ones from island creamery. (: So it was pretty nice. It was pretty amusing watching ShenShen(Yes, ShenShen) play "bowling". Haha. The plastic set. And hearing all the ehhing and woah-ohing was kind of funny. It didn't matter if ShenShen missed or not(and I'll let you know, he missed A LOT), everybody would say 'yaaaaayyyyyeee' anyways.
Church was okay. We had lesson in the canteen, the part with the picnic tables. (: Well, I wouldn't call it a lesson really, we didn't learn anything. Hahaha. All we did was play pick up sticks. But it was the giant version. With sticks the length of my arms. Yeah, it's long. LOL. xPxPxP
And they made me take an order for McDonalds and I had no idea that we were going to eat it now. Then, when the delivery guy came, I said,"Oh." Lol. I stole a coke from some guy in my sunday school class.
"Eh, where the hell is my coke? Who took my coke?"
"Uhh. Oh, I think I have to go now. My mum is waiting for me." -grabs burger and runs off-
Hahaha. Oh and I read a 468 page novel in two days. (: I just set a new record in The Great Big Book of KimFoo's Records. (: Supposing I had one. I had broken the previous 3 day record I set last year, when I read Twilight. Haha.
I PONNED SCHOOL. (: -lalalala-
The End(:
If you have read this far, you truly truly deserve a rabbit sweet. (: But I still don't have one. And even if I did, I wouldn't give it to you or I'll have a whole bunch of friends running around with kidney stones. choichoichoichoichoi.
I don't care if you need to eat 24 rabbit sweets a day to get a freaking kidney stone. =.=
Sunday, 12 October 2008
The last few days have been wasted. I guess that's good, in a way. For my health? Lol
I'll update tomorrow. Funny funny stuff happened. (:
I just ate a container full of papaya and I feel like pudding. Rotting pudding. Pudding that you would throw away just by taking a look at it. =.= Urgh.
I'll update tomorrow. Funny funny stuff happened. (:
I just ate a container full of papaya and I feel like pudding. Rotting pudding. Pudding that you would throw away just by taking a look at it. =.= Urgh.
Thursday, 9 October 2008
-lalalalala- PSLE is overr. (:
It feels weird though. Haha. I remember yesterday when I was walking home, I automatically thought of what work I had to do today. But then I realized that there wasn't any. And that I could relax. Haha(: And when I was playing computer, I usually listen carefully in case I hear the lift bell ring and mummy comes back, finding me playing the computer instead of studying. But now I don't have to. (: It's now a habit though. I keep turning my head to check if popo is gonna catch my playing, only to realize time and time again that she won't scold me even if she sees me playing. It's pretty irritating.
Another weird thing that happened to me yesterday was that while I was walking home, I noticed how beautiful the world look that day. LOL. Then, I couldn't help but laugh at myself for my stupid discovery and a nearby maid looked at me as if I was crazy. Haha. I felt so much like sticking my tongue out at her. But of course I didn't. Cos' it would be rude to do so. Lol
Today, I'm going to have a long long bath. With bubbles. (: And nobody is going to scold me for it! Oh yes, I have to search for a suitable track pants. >:l This is a bad thing about going rock climbing. Heh.
It feels weird though. Haha. I remember yesterday when I was walking home, I automatically thought of what work I had to do today. But then I realized that there wasn't any. And that I could relax. Haha(: And when I was playing computer, I usually listen carefully in case I hear the lift bell ring and mummy comes back, finding me playing the computer instead of studying. But now I don't have to. (: It's now a habit though. I keep turning my head to check if popo is gonna catch my playing, only to realize time and time again that she won't scold me even if she sees me playing. It's pretty irritating.
Another weird thing that happened to me yesterday was that while I was walking home, I noticed how beautiful the world look that day. LOL. Then, I couldn't help but laugh at myself for my stupid discovery and a nearby maid looked at me as if I was crazy. Haha. I felt so much like sticking my tongue out at her. But of course I didn't. Cos' it would be rude to do so. Lol
Today, I'm going to have a long long bath. With bubbles. (: And nobody is going to scold me for it! Oh yes, I have to search for a suitable track pants. >:l This is a bad thing about going rock climbing. Heh.
Tuesday, 7 October 2008
URGHH. Chinese was shittzzzz. I got the first question wrong. Like WTF. =.= The first section and the stupid cloze passage was freaking hard. :l
Well, at least zuo wen was great. I only memorized the sentences for the park thing and it came out! xD HAHA. I'm happy for that. (: And I also memorized the grateful one and I could use it! :D:D:D
And my damn cold didn't act up in the exam hall (: So I brought three packets of tissue packets for nothing. And my pocket was so freaking full for nothing. It was one big lump. -.- Nevermind. At least I feel better and I didn't need to waste time blowing my nose. Good thing too. I only had like three minutes to spare when I was done. Hahaha.
LOOK! IT'S THE ACADEMY IS.. !! :D Their so awesome. (:

And look:

Gee, it seems like the lead singers always get the attention.
It's raininggg. ._. Oh.
Well, at least zuo wen was great. I only memorized the sentences for the park thing and it came out! xD HAHA. I'm happy for that. (: And I also memorized the grateful one and I could use it! :D:D:D
And my damn cold didn't act up in the exam hall (: So I brought three packets of tissue packets for nothing. And my pocket was so freaking full for nothing. It was one big lump. -.- Nevermind. At least I feel better and I didn't need to waste time blowing my nose. Good thing too. I only had like three minutes to spare when I was done. Hahaha.
LOOK! IT'S THE ACADEMY IS.. !! :D Their so awesome. (:

And look:

Gee, it seems like the lead singers always get the attention.
It's raininggg. ._. Oh.
Monday, 6 October 2008
I'm doooooooomed for compo!!!! AAARRRGGGHHH. It's so freaking hard just to memorize some cheng yu shit and the good phrases and kai tous and jie weis. My tuition teacher says I have to write at least 2 and a half pages if I want to get high marks for it. If not my A* is out the door.
Math was easy. (:
But I got my last question wrong. ):
TWO MORE DAYS TO FREEDOM. And no more boring studying. :P
I'm doooooooomed for compo!!!! AAARRRGGGHHH. It's so freaking hard just to memorize some cheng yu shit and the good phrases and kai tous and jie weis. My tuition teacher says I have to write at least 2 and a half pages if I want to get high marks for it. If not my A* is out the door.
Math was easy. (:
But I got my last question wrong. ):
TWO MORE DAYS TO FREEDOM. And no more boring studying. :P
Sunday, 5 October 2008
Hehe. I found out why daddy was being so gloomy these few days. (: Cos' it's BUDGET MONTH. LOL. He hates doing the budget stuff and the company has to make him stay for longer hours. Including Saturday so that was why he wasn't home early. HAHAHA.
Gee, I am so lazy. I didn't study much yesterday. And the day before. And the day before the day before. It just doesn't feel right to study. This is a total change in attitude towards studying than the week just after prelims. Studying is just so BORING. I can't stand it.
Oh, speaking of yesterday, it was the last day of chinese tuition for me. (: I won't ever see her again cos' she only teaches primary kids. It was actually quite sad. Even though I barely converse with her. Mann, I've been having a soft spot for teachers these few days. o.o First Mrs Quek, and now my tuition teacher. There's definitely something wrong up here -points to brain-. Hopefully, mummy won't make me join any retarded tuition centres or have a zuo wen lao shi. Of course, that is very unlikely. Cos' she sounded super serious when she talked to me about getting into a zuo wen class a few months back. But she never did make me join one. She might next year though. -cross fingers-
Ahahaha =.= I am sick. I have a super bad sore throat and I have a cough. This morning when I said good morning to daddy, I sounded like a frog. But now it's better so, haha, you don't get to hear me croak. (: I've been sucking on lozenges all day. It was super uncomfortable to sleep last night cos my throat felt like shit and I couldn't breathe or swallow properly without feeling it's pain. And I have nobody but myself to blame. ): I ate too many toffees on Friday. )): But they were soooo nice and chewy. ;X Mummy was supposed to buy some more for me but then I told her how I got the sore throat. :l Sigh.
I sleep late and wake up early. Sleep is supposed to rest my brain and restore energy and what not, like what the psle close passage said, but hell no. What a piece of rubbish.
Gee, I am so lazy. I didn't study much yesterday. And the day before. And the day before the day before. It just doesn't feel right to study. This is a total change in attitude towards studying than the week just after prelims. Studying is just so BORING. I can't stand it.
Oh, speaking of yesterday, it was the last day of chinese tuition for me. (: I won't ever see her again cos' she only teaches primary kids. It was actually quite sad. Even though I barely converse with her. Mann, I've been having a soft spot for teachers these few days. o.o First Mrs Quek, and now my tuition teacher. There's definitely something wrong up here -points to brain-. Hopefully, mummy won't make me join any retarded tuition centres or have a zuo wen lao shi. Of course, that is very unlikely. Cos' she sounded super serious when she talked to me about getting into a zuo wen class a few months back. But she never did make me join one. She might next year though. -cross fingers-
Ahahaha =.= I am sick. I have a super bad sore throat and I have a cough. This morning when I said good morning to daddy, I sounded like a frog. But now it's better so, haha, you don't get to hear me croak. (: I've been sucking on lozenges all day. It was super uncomfortable to sleep last night cos my throat felt like shit and I couldn't breathe or swallow properly without feeling it's pain. And I have nobody but myself to blame. ): I ate too many toffees on Friday. )): But they were soooo nice and chewy. ;X Mummy was supposed to buy some more for me but then I told her how I got the sore throat. :l Sigh.
I sleep late and wake up early. Sleep is supposed to rest my brain and restore energy and what not, like what the psle close passage said, but hell no. What a piece of rubbish.
Saturday, 4 October 2008
My throat feels dry and painful and I have running nose. I feel so freaking tired and I don't have an appetite. )):
And daddy's been coming home late nowadays. He should be home by now but he's not. It's been like this for about two weeks. :l And when he called that day he sounded pretty sad.
I wonder what's going on.
My throat feels dry and painful and I have running nose. I feel so freaking tired and I don't have an appetite. )):
And daddy's been coming home late nowadays. He should be home by now but he's not. It's been like this for about two weeks. :l And when he called that day he sounded pretty sad.
I wonder what's going on.
Friday, 3 October 2008
PSLE english today. Compo wasn't so bad. Since I actually had an idea. I wrote 2 pages and 1/4 of a line. (: Y'know that's pretty good for my standards. Sarah wrote 7 pages. ... Woah.
Main paper I guess was considered easy. But there were a few questions here and there that I wasn't sure of. But after the paper I asked some people and most of them got same answer as me! :D So I guess that's good.
I came home and PoPo immediately asked me," How? "
From here on out, this is chinese translated into english.
Popo is talking on the phone, then the person on the other end of the line asks how I thought of the paper. Popo says:
"She says okay only"
WTF. She thinks so little of me. Heh.
I can't wait for pisslee to end. But damn, I still have to go through another boring weekend. >:l I was surprised today when I realized I wasn't so scared. Maybe it was the short prayer thing. I guess I only hate pisslee cos it's making my life so freaking boring right now. Mummy and Popo's non-stop nagging is driving me NUTS. Daddy is too busy working and golfing and squashplaying to nag at me much.
Well, after pisslee will be GREAT. I'm gonna buy books and toys and a new phone! And a new PSP charger. =.=
I have no idea what I'm going to study this week end. Except maybe Sunday I'll go study math. But study all already. :l Ughh. I hate it when I don't know what to do. And I also recently realized that I can't stand not doing anything productive. Not as in studying kind of productive. As in like, MY kind of productive. Like working on a big doodle, reading a thick book, trying to make a high score in a PSP game, etc. But pisslee is not letting me do any of those!!!
So I feel empty. =.= Empty empty empty empty. And just plain bored. Everyday is a mundane, boring day that restarts all over again the following day. I shall call it The Boring Cycle. Science is getting to me. >.>
On a happier note, I'm eating Korean food tonight. :B (OH and I found out my family absolutely HATES Koreans. Racist much. Soon it'll probably grow on me too. Ah wells, not that it'll screw my life or anything.) (One more thing. Don't ask why we're eating Korean food even though we hate Koreans.)
Main paper I guess was considered easy. But there were a few questions here and there that I wasn't sure of. But after the paper I asked some people and most of them got same answer as me! :D So I guess that's good.
I came home and PoPo immediately asked me," How? "
From here on out, this is chinese translated into english.
Popo is talking on the phone, then the person on the other end of the line asks how I thought of the paper. Popo says:
"She says okay only"
WTF. She thinks so little of me. Heh.
I can't wait for pisslee to end. But damn, I still have to go through another boring weekend. >:l I was surprised today when I realized I wasn't so scared. Maybe it was the short prayer thing. I guess I only hate pisslee cos it's making my life so freaking boring right now. Mummy and Popo's non-stop nagging is driving me NUTS. Daddy is too busy working and golfing and squashplaying to nag at me much.
Well, after pisslee will be GREAT. I'm gonna buy books and toys and a new phone! And a new PSP charger. =.=
I have no idea what I'm going to study this week end. Except maybe Sunday I'll go study math. But study all already. :l Ughh. I hate it when I don't know what to do. And I also recently realized that I can't stand not doing anything productive. Not as in studying kind of productive. As in like, MY kind of productive. Like working on a big doodle, reading a thick book, trying to make a high score in a PSP game, etc. But pisslee is not letting me do any of those!!!
So I feel empty. =.= Empty empty empty empty. And just plain bored. Everyday is a mundane, boring day that restarts all over again the following day. I shall call it The Boring Cycle. Science is getting to me. >.>
On a happier note, I'm eating Korean food tonight. :B (OH and I found out my family absolutely HATES Koreans. Racist much. Soon it'll probably grow on me too. Ah wells, not that it'll screw my life or anything.) (One more thing. Don't ask why we're eating Korean food even though we hate Koreans.)
Thursday, 2 October 2008
I just found this pointless crap on the world wide web and it certainly made my day. (: Hohoho.
Hehe. (:
This is stupid. Taiwan kids. Heh. =.=

Climb climb climb. Happy happy happy.

HAHA. Total ownage mann.
Hehe. (:
This is stupid. Taiwan kids. Heh. =.=

Climb climb climb. Happy happy happy.

HAHA. Total ownage mann.
How save do you think this water is?
Nevermind, you drink it.

HAHA. Hilarious shit.
Wednesday, 1 October 2008
Hmm. Nice to know there are Anonymous people reading this boring blog. Maybe I do know you, maybe I don't. Maybe you're just some stupid stranger that likes to piss people off. Or.. a stalker I don't even know. o.o Okay whatever. It doesn't matter. Right back at'chya asshole.
Mummy woke me up at 9 today. =.= Well, I guess that's okay since I fell asleep at 9pm last night. LOL. 12 hours. (: Finally mann. But I did wake up in between though. ):
Revising Man and his Environment is pretty scary. The way they tell you the mistakes and horrible outcomes one after the other. It's like constant reminding of the end of the world. Then when they reach the 3Rs, it's not really that assuring anymore. If they were trying to give us a sense of relief, total failure.
Oh and uhh.. Steph. Just click the help link on the tagboard. I did that when I was bored and found out. Hahaha (:
I want to post up a new song. But I don't seem to have the time. ): In fact, I'm not even allowed to use the computer. But haha, everybody breaks the rules sometimes. I just happen to break them a lot more than others. HeeHee (:
Mummy woke me up at 9 today. =.= Well, I guess that's okay since I fell asleep at 9pm last night. LOL. 12 hours. (: Finally mann. But I did wake up in between though. ):
Revising Man and his Environment is pretty scary. The way they tell you the mistakes and horrible outcomes one after the other. It's like constant reminding of the end of the world. Then when they reach the 3Rs, it's not really that assuring anymore. If they were trying to give us a sense of relief, total failure.
Oh and uhh.. Steph. Just click the help link on the tagboard. I did that when I was bored and found out. Hahaha (:
I want to post up a new song. But I don't seem to have the time. ): In fact, I'm not even allowed to use the computer. But haha, everybody breaks the rules sometimes. I just happen to break them a lot more than others. HeeHee (: