It's amazing how easily he pisses me off. ==" Irritating b**** really. He got me hooked on to PSP again!!! Stupid Grand Theft Auto liberty city. ): It's just sooooooooooo fun and addicting. A little sadistic too since you can kill old ladies and innocent people and grab their moneh :B Hehe.
I've also been feeling rather tired these few days. Yesterday, I fell asleep at seven when I was halfway doing a science paper. ;X I got away with skipping dinner too :3 I woke up at like nine when there was suddenly this BOOM! and it was actually my cousins watching ironman. =.= I watched too after that.
This morning was rather awkward (I am so dumb. I tried to write 'awkward' when I was smsing Bj, but it kept saying 'word not in dictionary'. So bloody irritating. But then, I realized I was writing 'akward' instead. >.>) I woke up, and staggered out my room (as always). Saw my parents sitting at the dining table and they both smiled at me and offered me breakfast. I was like, " ..... What do you want from me? =.=" But it turned out that there was no sunday school for the kids since it was teacher's day and all. And my parents found no point in going to church anymore. They offered me breakfast cos' they were worried that I was going to get gastric pain if I didn't eat anything (no dinner and all..). Or do they say.. Nevermind.
I don't know when but I suddenly found myself in starbucks all the way in paragon. I didn't have a single recollection of how I got there. So I decided to make something out of what had already happened (I asked daddy to give me money to buy a hot chocolate. With whipcream. :B). Heh. xP
Oh okay. Stan is staying over. -.- Nevermind. More grand theft autooo! (: Barely studied today. Except for like one and a half science test papers? The half was the undone half of the test paper I fell asleep halfway on. No drool marks. Haha :P
I'm having a 5min break now(: After this it'll be back to the date with me and my testpapers. :l Heh. Nevermind, I think I'll do that composition instead.
You think the 3 minute rain pours are due to global warming? :l Hmm. Hope not. Unless global warming has to do with judgement day or something. That might come earlier than I thought too.
First half hour of tuition was crapzxzxzxzz. ==" Told my tuition teacher my marks for chinese. She wasn't like my mummy at all! She said that 72.5/90 isn't that bad(: She's so nice. My mummy was like, "Oh dear! You're dead for PSLE le." Everything was okay. She started to caculate my total marks and said it was not bad. Then my grandma had to ruin the moment. She started to talk to my tuition teacher about my cousin who is like a natural smartie pants. She said that he was very smart and that all his teachers liked him a lot and he's also very popular and blah blah blah blah... =.= I'm so pissed at her right now.
Aikido was okay. I was --------> <----------- close to skipping it. I told my mummy that today was the fifth Saturday of the month and that we only paid for four Saturday lessons a month. So I didn't need to go. Then when she arrived hom from the market she said," Hey! You do have Aikido! Remember there was no lesson on National Day?" So yeah, there was only three lessons so far this month. And I knew from the start. Uhh, I have sinned I guess. But it wasn't that bad, if you didn't count the weird boy who keeps trying to talk to me. And my messy hair. And the part where Kai Xiang said he had some brain disease and needed to stick some tube into some part of his brain to suck out some fluid. He said he cried when the doctor told him that. ): Yeah, overall no problem. =.=
Oh look! 5 minute break over. See you when I see you (:
The guy is not a girl nor is he gay or a lesbian =.= It's because English people say "When I was a little girl" if you're a male or vice versa. Just one of those weird things they do.
I refuse to use limewire. Although I think I'd probably give in one of these days. I need Tessa's help. xl
But so far I haven't give in to breaking dawn(: It's still up there on the shelf. Hehe. I hope it doesn't collect too much dust when psle is over. I hope no lizard shits on it. o.o Oh crap. I need to change it's hiding place. Maybe I should just hand it to my mummy to help me. NONONO. Forget that idea. The day the last exam ends, I'll have to wait for my mummy to come back til I can read it. :l I'll just place it somewhere else I can't reach. With my PSP. I feel somewhat handicapped. -.-
I was so freaking tired yesterday. I did THREE science test papers yesterday though (: Half way through the second one, I feel asleep on my bed. Planned to sleep for only half an hour but I ended up sleeping for three hours. :l I had a nightmare too! Weird thing about me is that I always confuse reality with dreams, so it's hard to wake up when I really get absorbed into the dream or nightmare. :l I had another nightmare later in the night too. I remember there was a period of time this year where I had great dreams almost every night. But it seems now that it has expired. Ugh. I think I can expect bad nights from now on. AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH. =.=
I'll go submerge myself in more work now. Byebye.
(And I'm not allowed to sleep today. If not Tessa will skin me and bury me and dance on my grave. She'll definitely do the dancing part.)
There's NO FOOD. I'm stuck at home, alone, with a cup of cupnoodles staring at me. It's screaming, "EAT ME! EATME!" And I'm saying,"NO YOU ARE UNHEALTHY!" But I shall eat it anyways since it's the only thing I can eat right now.
PORK CHOP! Okay. Haha.
My mummy found my breaking dawn book in the toilet. There wasn't very good hiding places in tha darn toilet so I could only put it in the cupboards but too bad for me, mummy needed to get something from there. I needed to put it in there cos I was secretly reading in there and then I heard my mummy come home so I couldn't let her see me carrying the book out of the toilet. And after I got my horrible prelims results, I decided for myself I couldn't get distracted anymore. I couldn't afford it. So I placed breaking dawn on a really high shelf where I can't reach it without standing on a chair. Then, I shoved the chair into another room. It was painful to do so. ): The book is so freaking awesome that I completed lke half of it within days and that, for me, is very very hard. My mummy told my dad during last night's dinner and they both agreed that I was very stupid for hiding the book in the cupboard. -.- But they didn't scold me or anything, they actually made jokes out of it. -.-
My science A* has fallen into the lake of fire where my english and chinese A*s have fallen a while before. Sigh. Last year, my cousin needed to get 3 A*s just to get 255. For prelims I only have one pathetic one. ): Maybe this year's students are really not smart. :l
LUNCH. Cup noodles. :l
Porkchop Porkchop Porkchop Porkchop Porkchop!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Bad hair day today. :l
But I got pretty good marks for math(: And I improved in chinese by FIVE marks :D I'm so happy (:
Bj bought me a birthday present todayy(: Pfft. My birthday was like how many months ago? ==" Hahaha joking(: It's Breaking Dawn!! Yaye!! Arigato Gozaimasu :D
Ughhh. I got running nose. )): It's freaking uncomfortable and it's super irritating when you want to sleep sideways. I shouldn't be drinking cold ice lemon tea but I need something sweet to keep me studying.
Oh yeah. I'm supposed to finish a math paper right now. Heh. Nebermind.
Laterrr (:
I dare say I have writer's block because, in a point, I do refer to myself as a writer. Well, I did try to write a little story. :l It's somewhere in My documents right now. If a soft disc could gather dust, then my litttle story would be giant dust bunny right now. :l I take back what I said about referring to myself as a writer.
I hate how my hair is always so puffy when I wake up in the mornings. Most mornings. Mornings like today. Hell, I shouldn't even be awake yet. But I am. Because I have to write a stupid zuo wen which I can't write because I have I-am-not-referring-to-myself-as-a-writer-when-I-say-I-have-writer's-block block.
There's no breakfast today because PoPo thought that mummy was bringing us out. And I didn't even realize she wasn't home until I rushed to off the computer when the lift bell rang. So I had to endure the long process of turning on the computer again. When I say this, I do have a point of saying that my computer takes very long to turn on. Getting back to the main point in which I am writing this post, there's no breakfast. Not that I enjoy eating breakfast, in fact I hate eating breakfast. And I don't care if breakfast is the most important meal of the day because somehow, I can live everyday of my life with no breakfast. Usually, my mummy will force me to stuff the un-important food into my mouth. But then again, today is not a usual morning since I am here and not in Raffles Town Club or if not on my way there.
This is already a very long post if you compare it to the others (If you bother to). Also one of the most confusing posts I have ever written (not saying I am a writer just because I wrote something). If you are a genius at literature or somehow posses the gift of understanding this confusing post, you would probably know what the main point of this post is which is what I am trying to say. For those who are not literature geniuses nor posses the gift of understanding this post, God Bless You. No, I'm kidding. All you have to do is understand what I say when I say I take back what I said about me taking back what I said about referring to myself as a writer. Because I do.
HAHAHA. What a joke this is. Amazing what I can say about these six words : I think I am a writer. If you didn't understand the post, those words are all you have to understand. Hahaha. Sorry. I'm just bored(: Since I have the i-am-not-referringblah blah blah block, I just needed to write something. xD This also seems like a little passage in the book I feel bad about my neck by Nora somethingsomething.
If you managed to complete reading this nonsensical post, you deserve a rabbit sweet. But sadly, I have none to give you. (: Hahaha xD xD
Today was relatively awesome. (: Cos' I didn't wake up in the middle of the night!! I actually slept right through! YAYE! Although I slept kinda late. :l But yeah. Relatively awesome (:
I doodled a ton of random objects today on my oh-so-nice-and-RED doodle book. (: Another one of my mother's random purchases. Haha. And yayness! I got full marks for math section A!!! and 19 for english comprehension!! The fact that it was english means that I actually did REALLY good. It'll be even better if I get the same for chinese(:
My brother is sickk. :l And he soudns really sick too. He didn't go to school today. He got running nose, flem ( don't know how to spell again ), cough. So poor thing. :l Just the other day, he told me," Jie Jie, under your eyes got dark dark thing. Means you're very sleepy." HAHAHA. So cute(: He's playing swords now. I guess he's okay =="
I swear sitting with Tessa and Sam is the most retarded thing to do. Hahaha. They do all sorts of stuff that can make you laugh non-stop. Failed attempts at beatboxing, testing my tolerance to pain, singing row row row your boat together. HAHAHAHA. Fun(: We also came up with The Post Pisslee List. We listed down all the things we were going to do with friends after PSLE. Unfortunately, you could only write down stuff to do with friends so I couldn't put down browsing through random articles in wikipedia. It really IS interesting you know. :l
Okay. I'll slap myself back into my studying side today. (: I'll plant myself at the table and glue my eyes to work. BuhBye! :DD
HAHAHAHA. Michael phelps sounds spastic when he reads chinese. xD So funny (:
Science today wasn't as hard as I thought it would be. Although people said that it was very difficult. Faith said that she was hyperventilating. ;X I actually felt a little satisfied with myself when I completed the paper. (: Mr David reminded me to check my work again even thought I already checked. It's a little pressurizing somehow. :X
Well, prelims are over. But I stillc an't relax since PSLE is in a few weeks. :l I realized that I didn't work as hard for prelims than when I was still taking normal exams in the previous years. No wonder it didn't feel the same. I'm not as tired as before. I don't feel like falling on the bed and relaxing. What I really want to do now is study like crazy. The equation:
studying = student + dying
doesn't really seem right anymore. This isn't right at all! Why do I feel like completing 3 math papers in one sitting? I think I'm going crazy. O.O Nevermind. This might be a good thing. I shall now do some papers(:
But first: I will reward myself for completing prelims with GossipGirl episode 10 :D Haven't watched Gossip Girl for so longg. I'll watch and do work at the same time. Byebye!
English A also fly away le. :l
Chinese listening compre was okayy...
I managed to finish the paper 15 minutes before the end of the exam. So I spent the rest of the time reflecting instead of checking my work. Haha :P Anyways, I remembered how badly I always did in exams the previous years. There was always this certain shame whenever I discussed marks with my friends and fear when talking about exams with my parents. But recently I've improved a little and I couldn't help but want to show it off to the world. Especially this year. So I've become arrogant as a result. And other thoughts that aren't very nice flooded my brain. :l I'm sorryyyy ): I promise I'll change my ways. Slap me the next time I say something a little overboard.
I am Legend is the most cheapskate movie I have ever seen in my life. There are only 3 character, two of which only come out at the near end of the show. The rest are all just computer graphics. :l The storyline isn't very well planned-out at all. I feel ripped-off. =.= All the people who paid money to watch it in theatres have been conned.
I revised FOUR chapters of p5 science yesterday!!! YAYE! :D Today, I plan to finish the rest of the book. Which reminds me, EHH! We have to stay back in school one day and study together!!! Friday is great since there's no supp (: Can can can??
On a happier note, maths paper today was like the easiest paper in the world! During the whole exam, I was preparing for the hardest questions in the section C but they never came. Hahaha(: I actually have a little confidence for a fullmark :D
EhH!! I created a friend test which doesn't really have to do much with my friends other than asking them to do it. :l But! It's fun and free so please do it (:
OKAY. I will sit down. Open my science book. Read through at least three chapters! But before that I have to go collect my brother downstairs. Byebye (:
Sweeny slits his customer's throat and then presses this button on this really cool chair and then the body slides down to the basement where Ms Lovett grinds the bodies and the stuffs her pies with the squishy muck. HAHAHA. And her business was BOOMING. xD Tragic story but it was freaking awesome! I think I'm sadistic. The bad part was that when the blood was squirting out from the neck, it looked more like tomato sauce then blood. And it was thicker than blood. o.o Hahaha.
I cut my hair and the guy gave me this kind of layered hair that's supposed to be japanese styled. Well, I screwed the fringe already. Tying a pony tail is impossible without a lock of hair coming loose. :l But the hair stylist was soooo gayy!!! The way he swishes his hair back is sooo ah gua!!! I was trying so hard not to laugh. When the other guy was washing my hair, he gave me this really awesome head massage! It was damn nice!!! I want to go again. Hahaha. (:
English prelims was soo hard today. :l For me luhz. It was probably damn easy for you all. I already confirmed I have more than three wrong. I was too scared to see if I had anymore wrong. :l I can already imagine my parents lecturing me for getting a B.
I think I understand how hard it's gonna be from now on. Alright, HARDCORE STUDYING.
I'll go get busy now. (: See ya!
But chinese oral was okayy only. I'll probably get like 30+. But hey, I'll never know what I got. Hope the examiners were lenient. ;X
Prelims on Monday! I need to get a new pencil box. Mine's too big. :l Maybe I'll just grab an old one and stuff it with some stationary. That'll do. (:
Staring at the skateboard I got for last Christmas. I remember I was extremely happy when I got it. But I never bothered to learn how to skate. Now it's just lying in a corner of my room. Waiting to be played with. Sigh.
Well, I'll go rumage for a pencil box now. Oh but lunch first. Lunch(:~~~~
"Have you watched any competitions on television?"
"Yes. I've been watching The Olympics. I like to watch the categories: gymnastics, women's diving and weightlifting."
teacher who didn't say anything: -snorts-
Hehe. I couldn't think of anything else. But I realized I could've said basketball later on when Bj mentioned it. I also lied about my dad taking me to watch a soccer match. Haha. :P
So Chinese Oral is tomorrow. And I bet I'm going to get a serious tummy ache. While waiting in the pre-room I actually pictured a cartoon of God's hand reaching into me and pulling out all the insane negative thoughts and anxiety. Then, he squished them in his enormous hands and they became things that looked like ink blobs. Hahaha. I'm so weird.
Thank you God! Now, I have to do the same tomorrow. Except that it might be worse cos' my chinese is like crap. Mima doesn't have to worry about anything cos' she's so pro at it.
Managed to become friends with Clarissa and Mima. Clarissa and Hin Yee played Sudoku with me and then we talked and laughed a lot. (: Talked and laughed some more with Faith in the pre-room and audi. Got to know Mima more in the pre-room and post-room. Haha. She is quite funny and cute. Hahaha. Yup, a lot of cathcing up done today. (:
Prelims Oral results yesterday. I suck.
Composition exam yesterday too. No confidence.
Tomorrow PSLE English Oral Exam. Not the slightest bit of confidence (after what I got for prelims).
The day after tomorrow PSLE Chinese Oral Exam. Even worse than english.
This basically sums up what happened, what's happening and what's gonna happen.
It's gonna take more than what I have now to live through this exam period. Oh God, give me the will to keep going. :l I don't want to have more bad news. I'm already freaking out. Argh. Life sucks.
Hmm. I hear high-pitched sounds at times and last night my head hurt like hell. Brain tumour? Sigh. Don't get high hopes Kim.
This is ridiculous.
When I grow up (when I already had my own apartment, my favourite things to do is to go to any Ikea, action city, minitoons or whatever cute shop and start buying rubbish. Haha. This is the only shopping that is addicting to me. (: Yesterday, I bought cute rubbish. I'll show you my rubbish. (:
This is Heineken. (:
This is Lemon. (:
There are more pictures but no time to upload them all. Cos' they all take so freaking long to load. =.=
The stupid things that my parents scold me for. Could you, for once, think that maybe it isn't my fault? Maybe I had nothing to do with it? Why is it that whenever something bad happens, you look at me with those accusing eyes and ask me questions you know I can't answer? You all don't have to keep reminding of the stupid things that are happening. It's just making me feel worse and that's not going to solve the problem. Why is it that I'm the only person that has to apologize? I've never seen you do it before. What the hell must I do to make you say, "I'm proud of you"? They're just four little words, but they can make a hell of a difference.
I notice that my tagboard has been dead for like days. And I know Teh-sa reads my blog but dooesn't bother to tagg. >:l "Threatening" me with the extent in which your arms are spread out is kind of funny. I don't mean anything badd though ;X
I got 69/90 for a chinese test. :l Secondary work is going to be like hell since everybody in my family is telling me how easy primary school is and how I should be getting like 90+ for almost all my subjects. Especially in science and math but my science is deproving so I'm screwed.
My parents are giving me too much pressure. Non-stop bragging from my dad of how often he got full marks and how many awards he got. It's amazing how arrogant he can get. I remember just when we got back our SA1 results, this happened:
"Dad, I got 89 1/2 for science."
"What? Thats as good as FAIL!"
"But I got highest in class already.."
"Oh. Then, that's a different story."
Just thinking about it pisses me off somehow. ==" I'll go do my art now.
To person no1 who may or may not be reading this post:
That's what I've been trying to do for the past few months. And so I have decided that the only thing I can do in my current situtaion is to keep my promise. :l
To person no2:
If you have nothing good to say, just shut up. There. I said it. Finally.
Sudden urge to continue writing that weird book I tried to complete a few months ago. =.=
Okayy, I can't go on anymore. I need to lie on my bed and close my eyes. Byebye....
I'll be praying my hardest.
Other random points:
Save Our Souls by Electrico is not nice. >:l But it's amazing how he can sing like an american even though he's from Singapore. With all the singlish luhz,lorhz,lehz crap.
I didn't eat anything today and I'm still not hungry at all even though it's already like four. Hmm. Maybe I'll feel hungry when it's dinner time. Cos' of the aroma of the food that floats in the atmosphere and eventually reaches my nose. Hahaha. My popo is an awesome chef! (:
Prelims oral was just ==". I can drag out a hundred and one words from my exceptionally small vocabulary to describe how retarded that was. Hah. Retarded. That's one. Spastic. Horrible. Terrifying. Crap. Suicidal. Nerve-racking. Hard. Brain-busting. I've already mentioned nine. Why am I only thinking of the awesome words now? Couldn't they have come during the exam? RAAH. =='
Thunder by Boys Like Girls is the best song ever!!! Well, at least until I find another awesome song. (:
Shan is back to the Shan and Ross show! It's a nice show and I don't care if you don't think so. >:P And Tessa, Shan is okayy...
Okay. I said I was planning to wait til dinner time. But, just then, popo came in with a plastic bag full of durians. Hahaha. I can't resist when it's durians. xD First 'meal' of the day. Haha.
The thingy on my left hand looks bigger somehow. Die die die. Later it'll grow so big that it'll explode, releasing a monster and leaving me as a torn layer of skin. Then, I'll be blown away by the wind and fly until I hook on to some pointy thing on a roof of a bungalow. Just like Hellboy. ;X Stupid comic. xP
I'll try to go to sleep now. The worst thing about constantly waking in the middle of the night, is that when I'm having an awesome dream and I don't ever want it to stop, I wake up. Haha ==". So I go back to sleep, hoping that it'll come back, but noo.. A nightmare or crazily meaningless dream comes instead. Sigh. Good night. =.=
Let's start with aikido shall we?
SOO, today wasn't the last saturday of the week which meant that it wasn't bokan practice today which meant that we had to do weird moves for a whole hour. And another thing happened during the lesson which I may or may not tell somebody./anybody.
Tuition teacher came late today so tuition ended late too. And I five minutes before she came, I realized I didn't do her homework and had to think of an excuse before she came. :l
Uhh... Followed mummy to bring Tim to swimming lesson after ( almost immediately ). It was so boring. :l Then waited for an hour before we went to serene center where I ate half of an oreo mcflurry and saw someone I didn't expect to see.
Okay. Finish.
What the Hell. It was like pouring salt on my wound. But somehow at that moment, I realized how much I missed that feeling. I can't seem to give it up. I'd rather hurt forever than forget it. Thanks, God.
Today's school day was pretty long. After school, there was math supp and CIP. CIP was super slacky. I spent like three quarters of the time thinking of how to draw one stupid girl. ==" But she turned out pretty okay after multiple attempts. x)
Argh. The sunlight is so freaking bright and it hurts just looking at the condo buildings. :l It also makes me sleepy. I need to sleep noww. Ughh... =.=
Prelims Oral on Monday! AHHHHH! :X :X :X :X :S :S :S