Thursday, 3 July 2008
say something! (0)
Raaaah!! The life of a P6 sucks. All the teachers are all happily giving out test papers for homework and I'm at the back dying because I can't freaking draw. The only thing I doodled for the last two days was this retarded wilting flower. And I also just realized that I haven't talked to my dad in a few days. :l Hmm.

School art is so screwed. I never do well in them >:l Heh. Maybe because I never bother to put in any effort. Haha. I gave Sarah my nice design of the black and white thing and I think she's going to get like 10/10. I have no regrets of giving it to her. It looks so complicated and actually seems like a lot of work, which I can't be bothered to do. I already have like a Mt Everest made out of homework at home.

I've been thinking and PE might not be such a bad thing after all (: We get to have a 40minute play time and we only need to run two rounds! :D Unless Mrs Lee suddenly wants us to increase again :l I'd rather play basketball with the gang and win again (: I love basketball (: My vertically unchallenged characteristic gives me a big advantage :D Heehee (: We have so many tall people in MG with a good ball sense and they still don't have basketball as a CCA. My mom was like telling me how weird it was to have a string ensemble rather than a brass band since many schools have brass bands and we don't. Haha.

-sniff- My allergies are coming back!! Argh. Maybe I shouldn't have locked myself in my room to do the stupid chinese paper :l And I'm not even done yet. Can't they make test papers online? So that we don't contribute to deforestation?? If we can use a lemon to light up a bulb, why can't we use millions of potatoes to power a room of computers? ==" Wait, with the shortage of food right now, that would be a bad idea :l Sorry. But I still support the online tests thing. Down with global warming!

Sigh. Back to homework. Bye Bye (: