Tuesday, 24 June 2008
say something! (0)
Today was a bad day :l Sarah played with my glasses and it suddenly broke. So I was partially blind for the whole day. And probably for the rest of the week too. Yeah Yeah Sarah.. Yaye.... ==" I don't exactly understand why you guys like it when I don't wear my specs.

You don't care cos' you have perfect eyesight. Damn. My mom wants me to get contacts but my grandma says no cos she doesn't think I'm responsible enough to clean them everyday =.=

I WANT TO SLEEP. I WANT TO GET AT LEAST 10HOURS OF SLEEP A DAY. I'm so pissed that they changed the timetable AGAIN! It's so irritating. They did it like three times already. Can't they just decide on one for the whole year? If they were going ot change it so many times, they might have as well planned it out properly before the year started. I was perfectly satisfied with the previous timetable even though there was an uber long chinese period on wednesday. But I can live with that. ( And they made it even longer now anyway =.= ) They changed tuesday's PE period too. Tuesdays were always so sunny and pretty good for PE. For once, I actually looked forward to PE periods. But now that they changed it, I think I'll hate PE again. Stupid recess is so darn early. I don't have an appetite at 9am in the morning. ==" I wish they would change it back to random timings again..

I almost fell asleep in class today. Twice. Lessons are soo boring. But tomorrow will be better I guess. Since they're splitting all the lesson into small periods. And there's art tomrrow (: Not that I do well in it. School art is so boring. But it's a slacky lesson so I don't really mind. Sigh. Mrs Quek will probably take up the period and use it for dumb english or math. UGH.

Going to have STEAMBOAT for dinner :D At least that's one thing good today.

I can't draw. I have no new ideas or inspiration. When I do have some, I can't seem to draw it. Too hard ): Stupid hands. I wish I could control you perfectly. RAAH!