Monday, 16 June 2008
say something! (0)
Damn allergies are taking over my life. -sniff- I've been sneezing all day >:l And my mom came back home for like 15 minutes then went off to her childcare again. You know what she did in those horrible 15 minutes..?

"Oh ya! Kim you're supposed to do Maths this week!"
O.O " I am?"
"Yes, you are."
-buries face in science book-

2 seconds later she comes back with a math assessment book and starts marking out all the chapters I haven't done and tells me I'm supposed to do 2 chapters of math and 2 science papers a day. T-T I still haven't finished my school homework... How? )):

Sigh. I have no time for doodling...... ): Or watching anime.... Well at least I finished today's workload already. I should enjoy the moments while I can. Before I do it all over again tomorrow. And the next day. And the next day.

I have yet to upload the pictures from my camera. The pictures from Jubilee Hall also haven't. Lol :P Oh and there was this picture of some lady from the frog farm carrying a frog in each hand. Haha. They both looked so green and bloated. Hahaha.