Wednesday, 25 June 2008
say something! (0)
I somehow have a feeling I post too early. Like the whole day hasn't ended yet and who knows what might happen. Yet, I'm already posting about today. But if I post later, my mom will see me using the computer and scold me ):

School was okay. Just realized that roday was actually wednesday not thursday. Dropped off my broken spectacles at the optics place last night and the glasses might take an even longer time than just one week to fix. I need a new frame since mine was so screwed even before it actually broke. The stupid left side was like tilted. ==" There might not be stock or the same colour frame so the next time I wear specs, it might be in black or another blue or something. After that, had late supper with mom and Tim. Haha. It was quite funny with Tim running around and screaming in his superman pajamas. xD The place we had supper was ... uhh... I don't know. All I know is the stuff there is pretty good. And there's dance lessons there. I think it's called Attitude There were women there learning dance. And they weren't very good. There were about 15 of them aged approximately 14 to 40. Their dance instructor was a guy who is not a very good dance teacher.. He tried to get them to follow him do all the hard moves and stuff. Emm, they tried? But no success. Haha. I was laughing so I turned my head away in case they saw me xP

Speaking of dance, I WANT TO GO TO DANCE NIGHT. I'm biying a ticket for Bj so I don't have to go alone. :l They're doing Bliss from the SYF thing :DD Gold with Honours :D And I want to see Tessa dance. I promise not to laugh no matter how wierd you might think it is. SHIT!!! AAAAGH!! I just remembered! I can't see without my glasses! pifjaosdhfa;fha;oeuw gho;eufh;aeuofh;seuofhas;fas;fhasd;ofsdj;fha;sduhf

I am so bloody unlucky. You think I can get close seats? )): Damn. Alright.. I want my eyesight to suddenly become perfect by the 5th of July. -wishwishwish-

Walked home and as soon as I stepped foot into the house, this happens: RING RING RING

Me: Hello?
Grandma: Ah Kim ah? 午餐你要吃Mcdonalds 嘛?
Me: 要!(:
Grandma: 来。
Me: Hah?
Grandmma: 我现在在Mcdonalds那边。你走回来。
Me: Orh...

So I had to walk back ==" My shoulder is killing me now. Ugh.. I'm so sleepy. Steffi says I look pale and sick. Lol. I think I need more sleep, I shall sleep uber early today (: ByeBye ((: