Monday, 27 October 2008
OH YEAH. I FORGOT TO PUT SOMETHING ON! This is a double-post so you have to read the long post down there too! :B
Look what I found on Facebook~~

Is it too small? If it is, then you can go to Nicolette's facebook and see. Her name is Nicky Yau.
If you can see, it's my p2 class photo on chinese new year celebration!!! I'm at the back(of course=.=).
Mrs Chew is standing at the right and Clarissa is standing right next to her. And then -drumrolllll- It's BJ!!!
Oh and Hasini with her 80's afro hairstyle in the middle. You can't miss it.
Tessa Oh is in there too but you can barely recognize her. And Grace Chua and Joanne and Sara and Ang and Deboarh Wee and Elizabeth Lim and Jolene Sng and some others I can't see.
-lalala- Just wanted to show you guys (: