Thursday, 18 September 2008
say something! (0)
EEeeek! My left eye is swollen! A little bit.. But it hurts a lot. ): When I blink and do you know how hard it is to rub it when it's itchy? >:l

It's so hot noww.. I feel like jumping into the swimming pool.

So chapel service was pretty awesome. Some guy called Glen Lim spoke to us and it was really cool to have an ex-drug addict to talk to us. He's done a lot of bad things in his life but now he's trying as hard as he can to make up for it. (: This just shows how God's work is so miraculous. 30 years - 6 months. 24 strokes - 0 strokes. God can do anything mann. Lol. He was also kinda funny(: He connects with the audience so easily. o.o And his powerpoint slide only consisted of two slides but he talked so much that chapel lasted all the way to recess time.

I think he took up Mrs Ong's speaking time. Haha. Mrs Chua told me before chapel that she was supposed to talk today. Heh. x)

I think I'll play tetris a lot today. I'm such a slacker and I'm doing nothing about it. =.= Ah whatever.
