Friday, 22 August 2008
say something! (0)

Today was relatively awesome. (: Cos' I didn't wake up in the middle of the night!! I actually slept right through! YAYE! Although I slept kinda late. :l But yeah. Relatively awesome (:

I doodled a ton of random objects today on my oh-so-nice-and-RED doodle book. (: Another one of my mother's random purchases. Haha. And yayness! I got full marks for math section A!!! and 19 for english comprehension!! The fact that it was english means that I actually did REALLY good. It'll be even better if I get the same for chinese(:

My brother is sickk. :l And he soudns really sick too. He didn't go to school today. He got running nose, flem ( don't know how to spell again ), cough. So poor thing. :l Just the other day, he told me," Jie Jie, under your eyes got dark dark thing. Means you're very sleepy." HAHAHA. So cute(: He's playing swords now. I guess he's okay =="

I swear sitting with Tessa and Sam is the most retarded thing to do. Hahaha. They do all sorts of stuff that can make you laugh non-stop. Failed attempts at beatboxing, testing my tolerance to pain, singing row row row your boat together. HAHAHAHA. Fun(: We also came up with The Post Pisslee List. We listed down all the things we were going to do with friends after PSLE. Unfortunately, you could only write down stuff to do with friends so I couldn't put down browsing through random articles in wikipedia. It really IS interesting you know. :l

Okay. I'll slap myself back into my studying side today. (: I'll plant myself at the table and glue my eyes to work. BuhBye! :DD