Wednesday, 13 August 2008
say something! (0)
Last weekend, stupid family problems just because of two words and a certain old lady. =="

Prelims Oral results yesterday. I suck.
Composition exam yesterday too. No confidence.

Tomorrow PSLE English Oral Exam. Not the slightest bit of confidence (after what I got for prelims).

The day after tomorrow PSLE Chinese Oral Exam. Even worse than english.

This basically sums up what happened, what's happening and what's gonna happen.

It's gonna take more than what I have now to live through this exam period. Oh God, give me the will to keep going. :l I don't want to have more bad news. I'm already freaking out. Argh. Life sucks.

Hmm. I hear high-pitched sounds at times and last night my head hurt like hell. Brain tumour? Sigh. Don't get high hopes Kim.

This is ridiculous.