Friday, 15 August 2008
say something! (0)
Haha Yaye! Oral is overrrr!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! -lalalalalala- (:

But chinese oral was okayy only. I'll probably get like 30+. But hey, I'll never know what I got. Hope the examiners were lenient. ;X

Prelims on Monday! I need to get a new pencil box. Mine's too big. :l Maybe I'll just grab an old one and stuff it with some stationary. That'll do. (:

Staring at the skateboard I got for last Christmas. I remember I was extremely happy when I got it. But I never bothered to learn how to skate. Now it's just lying in a corner of my room. Waiting to be played with. Sigh.

Well, I'll go rumage for a pencil box now. Oh but lunch first. Lunch(:~~~~