Saturday, 17 January 2009
I am so thankful that there's no homework. (: Well, at least for me. Since some people think they have to do another page of history. Oh well.
Oh, have I mentioned how much I hate children? Maybe it's because of my baby cousin. HE'S SO FREAKING RUDE. And you all know how much I despise arrogant freaks. He everything also 'don't care' wan. I feel like ripping his head off. D:<
I cut my hair short today. Well, sort of. It looks like Rukia's hair from Bleach. Which is like this,
minus the long streak of hair dangling down the middle of her face.

Short enough to tie a pony tail. Not long enough to tie plaits. Heh(: Now I'm wondering how the hell I failed ting xie.
Yeah, I failed ting xie. 8.5/20 HAHA. Can you believe it? I am so pathetic.
Mummy just told me that if I got into a school sports team, daddy was going to buy me a new laptop but she was a teensy bit too late, dontch'ya think? =="
Okay nevermind. TAG PLEASE. I'm begging you T-T
(I just realized that I haven't done my japanese homework)