Thursday, 11 December 2008
say something! (0)
Heyo! ;D

I'm in LA right now!! In mummy's friend's apartment to be exact. We're not staying in a hotel cos' it's more cozy here. (: Plus, it's free.

The airplane ride was so damn shittttyyyyy. The one to tokyo was okay since it had a tv screen for each seat, but I didn't watch cos' I was too tired. Then, on the long flight of all flights, this one didn't have a tv screen. Some seats didn't even have the table thing! But the plane was huge and had like two levels or something. And it had really scary turbulance! D;

I just saw a super tall and huge christmas tree. It's like dunno how many feet tall and dunno how many pounds heavy. It's a white fir I think. (: Yeah huh. It's real.

Okay Okay. I'm going to sleep now. I can probably only blog on the days that I'm in LA, since there's only a laptop at this apartment and I'm staying at hotels for the other places. I'm staying in San Fransisco for a night. I didn't even know that. o.o

zzzzzZZzzZZzz.. Night.. Morning. Whatever.