Sunday, 5 October 2008
say something! (0)
Hehe. I found out why daddy was being so gloomy these few days. (: Cos' it's BUDGET MONTH. LOL. He hates doing the budget stuff and the company has to make him stay for longer hours. Including Saturday so that was why he wasn't home early. HAHAHA.

Gee, I am so lazy. I didn't study much yesterday. And the day before. And the day before the day before. It just doesn't feel right to study. This is a total change in attitude towards studying than the week just after prelims. Studying is just so BORING. I can't stand it.

Oh, speaking of yesterday, it was the last day of chinese tuition for me. (: I won't ever see her again cos' she only teaches primary kids. It was actually quite sad. Even though I barely converse with her. Mann, I've been having a soft spot for teachers these few days. o.o First Mrs Quek, and now my tuition teacher. There's definitely something wrong up here -points to brain-. Hopefully, mummy won't make me join any retarded tuition centres or have a zuo wen lao shi. Of course, that is very unlikely. Cos' she sounded super serious when she talked to me about getting into a zuo wen class a few months back. But she never did make me join one. She might next year though. -cross fingers-

Ahahaha =.= I am sick. I have a super bad sore throat and I have a cough. This morning when I said good morning to daddy, I sounded like a frog. But now it's better so, haha, you don't get to hear me croak. (: I've been sucking on lozenges all day. It was super uncomfortable to sleep last night cos my throat felt like shit and I couldn't breathe or swallow properly without feeling it's pain. And I have nobody but myself to blame. ): I ate too many toffees on Friday. )): But they were soooo nice and chewy. ;X Mummy was supposed to buy some more for me but then I told her how I got the sore throat. :l Sigh.

I sleep late and wake up early. Sleep is supposed to rest my brain and restore energy and what not, like what the psle close passage said, but hell no. What a piece of rubbish.

My Moosic(: