Sunday, 31 August 2008
say something! (0)
Hello(: T'was a good Sunday(: Haha. My cousin came over. Stanford. The one with big eyes and looks A LOT like my brother. If you guys were observant enough, you would have seen his face in my room in some frame thingy.

It's amazing how easily he pisses me off. ==" Irritating b**** really. He got me hooked on to PSP again!!! Stupid Grand Theft Auto liberty city. ): It's just sooooooooooo fun and addicting. A little sadistic too since you can kill old ladies and innocent people and grab their moneh :B Hehe.

I've also been feeling rather tired these few days. Yesterday, I fell asleep at seven when I was halfway doing a science paper. ;X I got away with skipping dinner too :3 I woke up at like nine when there was suddenly this BOOM! and it was actually my cousins watching ironman. =.= I watched too after that.

This morning was rather awkward (I am so dumb. I tried to write 'awkward' when I was smsing Bj, but it kept saying 'word not in dictionary'. So bloody irritating. But then, I realized I was writing 'akward' instead. >.>) I woke up, and staggered out my room (as always). Saw my parents sitting at the dining table and they both smiled at me and offered me breakfast. I was like, " ..... What do you want from me? =.=" But it turned out that there was no sunday school for the kids since it was teacher's day and all. And my parents found no point in going to church anymore. They offered me breakfast cos' they were worried that I was going to get gastric pain if I didn't eat anything (no dinner and all..). Or do they say.. Nevermind.

I don't know when but I suddenly found myself in starbucks all the way in paragon. I didn't have a single recollection of how I got there. So I decided to make something out of what had already happened (I asked daddy to give me money to buy a hot chocolate. With whipcream. :B). Heh. xP

Oh okay. Stan is staying over. -.- Nevermind. More grand theft autooo! (: Barely studied today. Except for like one and a half science test papers? The half was the undone half of the test paper I fell asleep halfway on. No drool marks. Haha :P