Saturday, 23 February 2008
say something! (0)
Err.. Hello..
Last post was stupid.. hehe..
I changed the blog song again ;D Its a short song but its damn nice lol Its from naruto xD
I can finally open my hong baos.... After sooo long.... I wonder how much i got... Emm lets see....

$2,$10,$10,.....;...... ==" Why should I post how much I have... Har har har ;)

I gto scolded by mom yesterday for making the paper balls for the war. She said I should be studying... Its true.. I cant deny it actually.. I'm so slack. ;l Heh. I only got 1/4 of the PSLE 'kick'
Wonder when I'll get the whole thing. BJ obviously had it like.. What? Last year? Or the last last year? Haish... Dont thin i can get the lyrics for the song.. Coz its japanese Lol ..

Yep I can't. Blehz