Sunday, 20 January 2008
Hamsters :)
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Hio :) I got my hamsters yesterday!!! SO CUTE :D
One is called Cream and the other Puff XP Pucks was too....... Dunno..
When I was carrying Cream.. I accidentally dropped him T-T Then his behind was swelling :S
But after a while it was normal again...THANK GOD I was sooo worried :X Their so cute..
Today we're gonna buy them a bigger wheel... and some toilet/house thingy.. We got one free from the previous owner and they really liked it and started to fight for it ==" And this morning they were playing wrestling together xD Making cute sounds ... Cream is active but is always sleepy in the night and morning... Right now he's still in the toilet/house sleeping like a pig..And Puff is emm.. Doing something in the corner ==" But the way he sleeps is so dam cute >.< He lies on his side and sleeps ;X SO CUTE OKAY?! -soo happie- :)
I think I should put another song on my blog o.o Nevermind..Later I must do compo homework ==" So sian... Bye Bye.. Gtg...